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Sat Sep 3rd - Sat Sep 24th

On the Shoulders of Giants

If not for our ancestors, we'd never have made it this far! In this worldbuilding competition, write about a historical civilization or culture that shaped or greatly affected your world.
This event has ended!
Scroll down to see all submitted entries

Competition Prompt

"I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble."
— Augustus, Roman Emperor

This month, our competition is about past civilizations! So, tell us about a civilization that greatly influenced your world and include a timeline or chronicle in the article!   Everything around us and within our cultures is the product of our ancestors. Architecture, clothing, art, politics, and pretty much anything you can think of would be completely different if it wasn't for those who came before us!   You must use the Ethnicity template in World Anvil AND link a timeline or chronicle into the article to be eligible!

Looking for more inspiration? Check out our blog for ideas!

Standard League Winner
Lyraine Alei

Premier League Winner
Bob O'Brien


In collaboration with our wonderful partners in this challenge, Norse Foundry, the winners of the challenge will get:  
  • A gift card for the Norse Foundry store, for a value of $50.
  • A Featured Article on World Anvil
  • A live article read and feedback on a World Anvil Community Stream by World Anvil's Founders, Janet and Dimitris!

  • Premier League Shortlist
  • All shortlisted Premier League articles win a Featured Article on World Anvil!


    These are the users that made it to the shortlist. Their entries have been sent to the team at Norse Foundry, who will choose a winner for the Standard League!
  • Polina "Line" Arteev with Antecedents
  • Robert Kane with Children of the Goddess of Love
  • Lyraine Alei with Adrakians
  • Icarus Crow with Clans of Priquish
  • E. Christopher Clark with Bekiskapan
  • George Sanders with Echoes of the Past
  • PanthersEye with Satlonia
  • Farseeker with Ancient Carrion
  • hughpierre with Mud Men
  • Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia with Humans

  • The Rules

    How to Enter

    All competitors need a World Anvil account (don’t worry, it’s free!) to get started. Once you’ve logged in and created your first world, you’re ready to enter the competition!  
    1. Write your entry using the Ethnicity template on World Anvil.
    2. Use a timeline or a chronicle and link it into the article (the timeline or chronicle doesn't need to be new).
    3. When ready to submit, make sure that your article is not a draft (i.e. published) and public (not private). Then click the button on the right-hand side of the edit interface to submit it to the challenge!

    Adjudication Process

    The experts at Norse Foundry will be choosing from a shortlist of the top 10 entries.   The winner will be announced by the World Anvil Team on Saturday October 22nd on the World Anvil Community Livestream.   Entries will be judged on a number of criteria, including originality, presentation, and thoroughness.   For more information on how the judging process works, check out this blog post.
    Timeline Event
    September 3rd - September 24th Competition is opened and closed (both on livestream)!
    September 24th - September 29th Sharing period, give feedback, make minor edits.
    September 29th - October 22nd Adjudication and Judging
    October 22nd Winner Announcement Date!

    Other Rules

    • Articles must be submitted before the closing time to be eligible (please note the competition will close during the World Anvil livestream)
    • Only one article may be submitted per person (this does not mean one article per world, in cases where multiple authors work on a single world).
    • Articles will have a 5 day-long period after the deadline to make small edits, share, and get feedback from the community. This period will end when the shortlist is compiled.
    • Articles can be no longer than 2000 words in length! They must be new worldbuilding articles created during the writing challenge period. The wordcount does not include words in timelines and chronicles.
    • Although the article must be new, the timeline and chronicle don't have to be—you can reuse them!
    • Word Count will be counted by copying all words present in the article's body and sidebar into a word counter. Words in either Timelines or Chronicles WILL NOT be added to the word count! BBCode does not impact word count. Linked articles do not impact word count, and will also not be considered during adjudication.
    • As always, World Anvil claims no ownership over your original work.
    For any further questions or clarifications about this challenge, message the Community Team (@Community Team) on the World Anvil Discord or post to the World Anvil Facebook Group!


    Social media sharing

    Because community likes are an important metric in the competition, competitors may wish to share their entries on social media to garner more interest from the community.
      Posts tagged with #WAHistory which mention @WorldAnvil may be shared by World Anvil's official social media accounts!


    There are two leagues that will be independently judged, the Standard and the Premier League. The Premier League consists of all the authors who have previously won a World Anvil competition.   Winning a competition in the Standard League will promote you to the Premier League for future challenges.
    Looking for inspiration or seeking some ideas? Make sure to stop by the World Anvil Discord, our Facebook Group or Subreddit for worldbuilding conversation and inspiration!

    Helpful Resources

    We have created several resources to help you make the most out of this competition! Check out these posts on our blog:
  • Five examples of fantasy history to inspire you
  • How to start worldbuilding history with timelines
  • We also have several videos on our YouTube channel:
      We also have a full podcast episode on worldbuilding history with Eran Aviram, which you can listen to on Spotify:

    Challenge entries