KatSanders Progress Report

Welcome to Kerawa

179 words


The Wixen are a magical people that came from the central region of the Bakat land. They are governed by Heks who lead them in worship of Minabi, Deity of Magic.

1433 words

Witch's Hat of Minabi

The Witch's Hat is worn by the Heks of the Wixen. It is blessed by Minabi, the Deity of Magic.

523 words

Azti Family

The Azti Family are considered the ruling family of the Wixen, though they have no real power over nations or the Wixen.

308 words

Minabi, Deity of Magic

Minabi is the Deity of Magic. Ze is non-binary, pansexual, and can change into any form that ze wants. Ze prefers the pronouns of the form that ze is using or the Ze/Zir pronouns.

75 words


The one who oversees the religious and magical lives of all the Wixen who live on Kerawa.

36 words

Wixen Conclave

One of the three bodies of the Wixen authority within the ethnicity. The other two are the Mages Guild and the Trade Coven.

142 words

Sorgina Azti

S‌orgina Azti is the current Heks, and has been for the last 279 years.

811 words

City of Marqash

The City of Marqash is know for its rare wood, cold winters, and large population of Wixen.

68 words

Bartia Azti

Bartia Azti was the Heks before Sorgina Azti. Bartia died from a sudden illness.

93 words

Trade Coven

One of the three bodies of the Wixen authority within the ethnicity. The other two are the Wixen Conclave and the Mages Guild.

91 words

Mages Guild

One of the three bodies of the Wixen authority within the ethnicity. The other two are the Wixen Conclave and the Trade Coven.

93 words

Bakat Territories

The Bakat Territories are in the Northern Hemisphere of Kerawa. They are made up of the four territories of Arkala, Orthon, Galonde, and Lugdush.

53 words

Dark Elf

The dark elves are one of the three species of elves on Kerawa. The other two are high elf and wood elf.

76 words

Wixen Magic

How the Wixen use magic...

451 words

Sufi Family

416 words

Gado Sufi

Gado Sufi is the Keeper of the Sufi Family and the loving partner of Tala Sufi who runs the Family itself.

108 words

Tala Sufi

126 words


The Keeper runs the Grand Wixen Libraries of the Wixen people which collects, collates, and teaches the histories of the Wixen families.

87 words


The Ketara is the leader of the Azti Family. The current Ketara is Mestano Azti.

56 words

Draoi Family

The Draoi Family is one of the 13 Wixen families to be blessed by Minabi, Deity of Magic. The Draoi family was blessed with the power to imbue any item with magic.

334 words

Koldun Family

The Koldun Family is one of the 13 Wixen families to be blessed by Minabi, Deity of Magic. The Koldun family was blessed with Omnilingualism and Omni-Communication. They can speak with and understand anything with any type of language.

273 words

Margzi Koldun

114 words

Alkahin Family

The Alkahin Family is one of the 13 Wixen families to be blessed by Minabi, Deity of Magic . They were blessed with Earth Magic.

160 words

Mestano Azti

Mestano Azti is the current Ketara of the Azti Family.

43 words


The loving partner of the Babakan. The Kalapa is the political half of this partnership and is a member of the Trade Coven.

64 words


The loving partner of the Kalapa. The Babakan runs the Alkahin family and holds all the Earth magic knowledge that has been collected over generations.

65 words

Fingali Alkahin

117 words

Tatarie Alkahin

103 words

Menic Family

105 words


68 words


56 words

Cana Menic

Cana is the Lykos for the Menic Family family and the loving partner of Tau Feren Menic.

123 words

Feren Menic

114 words

Pappi Family

The Pappi Family was blessed by Minabi, Goddess of Magic, with healing and deity magic. This family tends to be either clerics or healers.

128 words


The Kahini is the Wixen religious leader and the Pappi Family political leader. They have a seat on the Mages Guild.

119 words


The Fewashi runs the Healers of the Wixen and is the leader of the Pappi Family.

91 words

Sylvian Pappi

Sylvian Pappi is the political leader of the Pappi family and the spiritual leader of the Wixen tribes.

137 words

Martine Pappi

Martine Pappi is the leader of the Pappi family and the Head Healer of the Wixen tribes.

206 words

Dorlin Menic

The child of Sorgina Azti and Feren Menic. They are a member of the Menic Family.

93 words

Mag Family

The Mag Family are known for their Speakers, Teachers, and Bard. Their gifts include auditory persuasion, hypnotic voice, and pedagogy intuition.

226 words


The Magistar runs the Wixen Magical Creches, and is 1/3 of the Mag Family power triad. The current Magistar is Kylen Mag.

77 words


The Vati is part of the Triad of leadership for the Mag Family and run the Wixen Bardic Hall.

70 words


The Discentis is the political leader of the Mag Family.

91 words

Daska Mag

Daska Mag runs the Wixen Bardic Hall, and is 1/3 of the leadership of the Mag Family.

104 words

Kylen Mag

Kylen Mag is the Magistar for the Mag Family and runs the Wixen Magical Creches.

147 words

Arnel Mag

Arnel Mag is the Discentis for the Mag Family and a member of the Wixen Conclave.

110 words

KatSanders Progress so far

9439 words 94.39% completed!

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They/them: Dynamic artist, writer, and world-builder, channeling boundless creativity and imagination. Driven by passion with unwavering purpose.

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