In Which a Lesson is Had

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“Ah, but,” Braelin said, “I’ve never had sex with another person before, so I don’t really…”

“I have not either,” Jurao hummed.

They both paused for a moment in consideration.

“We could ask Feyl,” the King suggested, “He’s offered to give advice before.”

“Oh, yeah, he’d probably know,” Braelin agreed, “And he’s very reliable.”

With that, they returned to the receiving room - Jurao sending one of the guards off to find his best friend.

Feyl had dressed but hadn’t left his quarters yet, so he was quick to find and arrive back in the King’s suite.

“So, if I’m understanding this correctly,” the valet asked, smiling in amusement, “You two have decided you want to try sex after all, but neither of you knows how to go about it?”

“That is the case,” Jurao nodded.

Braelin nodded as well.

Feyl’s tail swayed in amusement as he considered, then turned, “Alright, but give me a bit. I might need some assistance with this.”

The valet left the room, and Jurao and Braelin waited in comfortable silence for roughly ten or so minutes before he returned with Kloy.

“Good evening, my lord,” the Royal Physician greeted, also dressed down for the night and carrying something under his arm, “I understand you and Braelin are in need of sexual education.”

“Ah, yes,” Jurao nodded again, seeing the logic in involving the doctor.

“Well,” the man sighed, setting up a stand, “At least you asked prior to engaging in anything…”

“Do people usually not?” Braelin frowned.

“No, they don’t,” Kloy chuckled, setting up a cloth-wrapped posterboard.

“Most people just fumble around as adolescents and see what they can figure out,” Feyl added, having helped carry another stand and wrapped posterboard and setting it up, “While I’m fairly knowledgeable about demon sexual practices-”

Kloy rolled his eyes as he pulled the cloth off both posters.

“I’ve really no idea how humans… oh. It is on the outside,” the valet said, studying the illustrations on one of the boards.

On the left poster, Jurao recognized a diagram of both common versions of the demon genitalia - the closed slit and the single and two-pronged cocks. On the right, however, was something new to him.

“Indeed,” Kloy snorted, waving the valet back to clear the view.

Feyl obliged, taking up standing next to the demon genitalia diagram.

Kloy stood next to the diagram on the right, pulling out a thin metal rod, “Now then - on the left is a diagram of the two most common types of demon genitalia, and on the right is a diagram of the two most common types of human genitalia. Since I know you both to have one of these types and this lesson was last minute, we’ll focus on them.”

“Demon genitalia is internal, within a cloaca,” Kloy began tapping the metal rod against the left poster, “And the genital slits of any type appear largely the same. The two most common forms of internal genitalia are a thinner, single-pronged penis which is below the vaginal cavity and a larger, double-pronged penis which lacks a vaginal cavity.”

“Now what the vines did makes sense…” Braelin remarked, tilting his head at the diagrams.

Kloy froze for a moment.

“You asked the vines what a demon dick looked like?” Feyl held back a laugh.

“I asked if they knew how big they were,” the human replied, “I just assumed the shape was off, but… no, they were pretty accurate.”

“They certainly could be at that!” Feyl laughed, turning to master himself.

Kloy sighed but smiled as he continued, “I suppose that’s true. In order to have sexual intercourse, the demon in question must become aroused enough to evert. Eversion is the name for the action of the penis pushing past the relaxed muscles of the genital slit. This can be achieved with direct stimulation to the slit-”

“Tongue and fingers do wonders in that regard,” Feyl said, able to reign in his mirth, “Or just grinding genitals together.”

“Toys designed for sexual gratification can have a similar effect,” Kloy snorted, “But one can also use indirect stimulation - though demons have fewer sensitive areas of the body than humans. Application of aphrodisiac perfume is a popular method or direct ingestion of an aphrodisiac.”

“Some find kissing and dirty talk very stimulating,” Feyl grinned, side-eyeing the doctor, “Visualizing the kind of sexual acts they intend to participate in by describing them in lurid detail. Human romance novels do a fair amount of it.”

“People actually find that stimulating…?” Braelin sighed, “I honestly thought it was an exaggeration when they said it.”

“Some may be,” Kloy said, “But some are better at describing sexual acts in an appealing way than others.”

“That’s certainly true,” Feyl snorted.

“In any case,” the physician said, “Once the penis has everted, it will flail as it looks for something to wrap itself around - the single-pronged penis will naturally act to pull objects into the vaginal cavity. However, the King has the dual-pronged version, which will not seek to enter anything on its own.”

“Is that important,” Jurao asked.

“For partners lacking a vaginal cavity, both demon and human,” Kloy said, “Often penetration of the anus is employed. It is a simpler matter for humans than demons, but I’ll get to that.”

“It sounds… uncomfortable,” Jurao said. He was generally aware of the practice but did not often think much of it.

“It can be,” Braelin replied mildly.

“... I forgot about the vines again,” Feyl snorted.

Kloy shook his head, “To finish with the lesson on demon anatomy, focusing on the kind of genitalia Jurao has: direct stimulation with hands or mouth of the cock itself is a sure way to cause pleasure during sexual activity. There is also a small area at the base of the penis where the application of stimulation with the same or a toy constructed for such a purpose inside the slit will also cause pleasure, particularly when pressure is applied to the underside of the muscle.”

“I highly recommend giving it a try,” Feyl added, “Carefully, though - it’s a sensitive area.”

“That’s true,” Kloy nodded, then said, “But there are those with a dual-pronged penis who enjoy being penetrated in the slit. Normally, I would recommend steering clear of such action without more experience, but human genitalia is small enough by comparison that it should be able to fit without issue in the same manner as a toy. But always stop if you’re feeling pain at any point.”

Jurao wasn’t entirely sure what to make of that, having never considered any of this before - but he nodded and said, “Of course.”

“An important note of caution,” Kloy said, “Demon penises emerge coated in cloacal fluid, which makes them slick - should you, Jurao, want to penetrate Braelin, that would provide enough lubrication for the act. However, if Braelin were the one to penetrate you anally, you would need to use external lubrication, as human penises do not have the same process.”

Braelin nodded to this, still studying the diagram.

“So, doctor,” Feyl grinned, “How does human genitalia work?”

Kloy rolled his eyes in bemusement, “I consulted with Zede to ensure my information was accurate. Now, humans also have two common forms of genitalia - however, the one resembling a genital slit is referred to as a vagina and is primarily internal while the penis is external at all times.”

“All the time,” Jurao asked, looking at his partner in surprise.

“It’s really not noticeable most of the time,” Braelin replied.

“It does explain the genital coverings you all wear, though,” Feyl observed.

“Like demon genitalia, human genitalia needs to be stimulated via arousal for intercourse to occur,” Kloy continued on, moving his metal pointer from an image that looked like a small set of deflated bagpipes to one that looked more like a singular mushroom sprouting up, “Aroused human penises become rigid rather than writhing, as humans have intercourse primarily through thrusting rather than grinding.”

“Here I thought humans just really enjoyed the rough stuff when novels described all that thrusting,” Feyl snorted.

“As I said before,” Kloy chuckled, “Due to the size difference, it shouldn’t be an issue if Braelin were to penetrate Jurao via the genital slit, which would simulate human sexual intercourse more closely while still being pleasurable for both parties. But that’s jumping a bit ahead.”

“Yes, you skipped the foreplay entirely,” Feyl grinned, “Very unprofessional.”

I suppose the topic is appropriate for flirting, Jurao thought. Though he often missed it with others, he had come to recognize his best friend’s patterns in that regard.

“Direct stimulation is still an option,” Kloy smiled as he ignored the jab, “But humans have more sensitive areas on their bodies due to their softer skin. Many find stimulation of the nipples arousing, though they tend to be more sensitive for those with breasts than those without.”

“That’s true,” Braelin nodded.

“The ears are a sensitive area for both species,” Kloy said, “Though other areas can vary greatly between individual humans.”

“I think the vines have found most of mine,” Braelin said, adding, “I can tell you when we actually start.”

“That seems sound,” Jurao nodded, tail starting to swish as the idea that they were very much going to attempt sex really began sinking in.

“As humans with penises do not generally have a genital cavity, vaginal or otherwise,” the Royal Physician added, pointing to a new area of the human anatomical diagram, “Penetration, when it occurs, is usually anal. There is a gland known as the prostate located roughly here - direct stimulation of this gland is known to be very pleasurable.”

“It is,” Braelin agreed.

Feyl had to turn away again, clapping a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.

Kloy was also clearly amused but able to continue, “But, as demon dual-pronged penises do not attempt penetration on their own and are not rigid like human penises, should Jurao try to penetrate Braelin, you would need to use fingers to facilitate the penetration.”

“In what way,” the King asked.

The Royal Physician seemed to consider how to reply.

“Here’s a visual,” Feyl chuckled, turning back. With one hand, he formed a small circle with his fingers - then, with another hand, he spread the circle apart with two fingers. Using a third hand, he mimicked the undulating motion of a demon penis sliding into the larger entrance.

“Ah,” Jurao nodded, “I see.”

Kloy shook his head, but still had a smile as he said, “That should be enough information to get the two of you started without any injuries arising. Should you have further questions regarding human anatomy, I recommend consulting with Doctor Zede.”

“But I am always ready to offer advice about demon anatomy,” Feyl grinned, snorting to hold back another round of laughter.

“Whom you go to for advice on demon sexual practices can be a matter of preference, certainly,” Kloy said, retrieving the cloth wraps for his diagrams, “But my office is open as well.”

“To everyone?” Feyl asked sweetly, helping cover one of the posters once more.

“Everyone in need of my medical knowledge, certainly,” the Royal Physician replied, collecting his stand and poster under one arm, “Good night, my lord.”

“Good night,” Jurao said.

“Have fun, gentleman,” Feyl said, grabbing the other board to help carry it again.

As the two left again, Jurao turned to his partner, “I suppose we should… return to the bed.”

“Yes,” Braelin agreed, getting to his feet, “I think that would be a good place to start.”

The King nodded as he rose as well, tail swishing as he led the way back. Once inside his bedroom proper, he asked, “Should we… undress first.”

“Probably easier that way,” his partner agreed, hesitating only a moment before pulling his usual sleepwear tunic over his head.

“Yes,” Jurao said, turning away as if he had not already seen his partner mostly naked a number of times. He removed his own sleep robes, hearts hammering with surprising force.

Oh, he thought, as he tossed his sleep robe onto a nearby chair in the room, I’m… excited?

“Jurao?” Braelin said softly.

The King turned and felt his tail swish a little harder at the realization of how close his partner was - already entirely within Jurao’s personal sphere.

Braelin looked up at him openly and held up his arms, “Come down here?”

Jurao knelt and found himself pulled into a soft kiss - much as he expected to be, but it put him more at ease than he would have thought.

Yes, he thought, wrapping his arms carefully around his human partner to pull him close, This is exciting.

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