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In the world of .::Neverwhere::.

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This manuscript is written in elvish, with a mix of Tiormir, and appears to be a diary. The majority of the pages are blank. Its gilded wooden cover is adorned with a decorative brass butterfly and small lock. Inside, scribbled along the margins and throughout the text pages are doodles, notes, odd symbols, and textual emphasis, words that seem to indicate questions or self-reminders- boldly underlined or excessively circled with so much ink it bleeds through the page. Standing out, where the ink pen has torn the saturated paper, predominantly a black blotch it is covered in so many swirls of ink to be nearly illegible are the words Im belth Keldithas, "I killed Keldithas". Near it is what appears to be a tiny dried splosh of water, perhaps a tear, staining the paper.

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