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Yakuza-Related Japanese Words (Lexicon)

Below is a glossary of terms often associated with the yakuza, including titles, rituals, and concepts central to their world.


Clan Structure and Titles

  1. Yakuza (ヤクザ):

    • Organized crime syndicate; derived from ya-ku-sa (8-9-3), a losing hand in a traditional card game.
  2. Oyabun (親分):

    • Clan leader; the "parent" figure in the family structure.
  3. Kobun (子分):

    • Subordinate members of the clan; "children" of the oyabun.
  4. Saiko-komon (最高顧問):

    • Senior advisor; offers strategic guidance to the oyabun.
  5. Wakagashira (若頭):

    • First lieutenant; second-in-command, overseeing operations and enforcing the oyabun's orders.
  6. Shateigashira (舎弟頭):

    • Second lieutenant; assists the wakagashira and manages the junior members.
  7. Kyodai (兄弟):

    • Senior members or "big brothers" within the clan.
  8. Shatei (舎弟):

    • Junior members or "little brothers."
  9. Honbuchiko (本部長):

    • Headquarters manager; responsible for internal clan operations.
  10. Aniki (兄貴):

    • A term of respect used by subordinates to address senior members or mentors; means "big brother."

Rituals and Practices

  1. Sakazuki (盃):

    • Sake-sharing ceremony formalizing bonds between oyabun and kobun.
  2. Yubitsume (指詰め):

    • Ritual finger-cutting; a form of atonement for failure or dishonor.
  3. Jingi (仁義):

    • Code of honor and loyalty, central to yakuza philosophy.
  4. Ninkyo-dantai (任侠団体):

    • "Chivalrous organizations"; how yakuza often refer to themselves.
  5. Zubari (ズバリ):

    • Direct confrontation or coming clean; associated with negotiations or admissions.

Territorial and Operational Terms

  1. Shima (島):

    • Territory; refers to areas controlled by a yakuza clan.
  2. Jingi-mochi (仁義持ち):

    • Upholding honor in dealings; someone known for fairness and loyalty.
  3. Bakuto (博徒):

    • Traditional gamblers; a subset of early yakuza.
  4. Tekiya (的屋):

    • Street peddlers; another historical origin of the yakuza.
  5. Katagi (堅気):

    • Ordinary citizens or people not involved in criminal activities.
  6. Inko (隠口):

    • Slang for hiding illicit activities or concealing evidence.
  7. Gokudo (極道):

    • Another term for the yakuza; literally "the extreme path."
  8. Shatei-dai (舎弟代):

    • Tribute payments made by subordinates to their superiors.

Conflict and Enforcement

  1. Kenka (喧嘩):

    • Fight or brawl; often associated with territorial disputes.
  2. Kumi (組):

    • A "crew" or "group" within the larger yakuza organization.
  3. Tameuchi (溜め撃ち):

    • Ambush or preemptive strike in a conflict.
  4. Hanzaisha (犯罪者):

    • Criminal; used to describe someone outside the yakuza acting unlawfully.
  5. Giri/Ninjō (義理/人情):

    • Giri: Duty and obligation; Ninjō: Compassion and human emotion. These two concepts often conflict in yakuza life.

This guide offers a foundation for understanding the cultural and operational intricacies of the yakuza. Knowing these terms not only deepens your understanding of A Yakuza’s Tale but also enriches your appreciation for the layered dynamics of Japan’s criminal underworld.

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