Qotsisajak: The Way of the Sith

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Nwûl tash. Dzwol shâsotkun. Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.Code of the Sith Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan. Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha. Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak. Wonoksh Qyâsik nun. -The Way of the Sith Doctrine

The Way of the Sith, our primary code, was written by Sorzus Syn. What was her true, original meaning? One cannot be completely sure. What I do know is what my coven of Sith witches interpret it as, or rather, open up it's meaning to be after much contemplation and study of the Sith philosophy and study of ancient artifacts. It can be unique in the general sense for each individual.

Peace is a lie. That much is true, as in order to improve oneself, one must challenge oneself. There will always be a disturbance or war in oneself, which opposes the meaning of peace. There is only passion. Passion is simply intense emotion. Hypocritically, the Jedi speak about being compassionate yet claim there is no emotion. Compassion is an intense emotion or feeling for others. Darth Marr has compassion for the Empire, concerned with doing what's best for it and it's people.

Through passion, I gain strength. Passion is internal. One's desires and personal interest, however selfish, is a great motivation to take strides and push one's true limits. Hate, anger, rage. These are good, quick fuel sources in the heat of battle or a ritual requiring intense darkness, but they are not the only forms of passion in the day to day. Not to mention, passion's biological response in most races. The hormones your body releases can often give you a natural high, giving your brain a biochemical boost to your sharpness and focus. With your passion fueling you, you can become stronger, or just as easy die in a foolheartedly attempt if you are not wise.

Through strength, I gain power. Strength is many things. Physical strength is useful, but not the only strength. Mental strength, or fortitude. Your willpower and your knowledge. Some say knowledge is power, and I support the path to knowledge, but it is only one piece to the puzzle. Wisdom, however, is when you bring all your strengths together and use them as tools, appropriately with the correct insights. This, this is how strength leads to power. Blindness can prevent strength from becoming power.

Through power, I gain victory. Using the power of your wisdom to utilize all your strengths and tools, you become harder to defeat in any way. Push your limits, your potential, and gain more strength and power. This will increase your odds of victory. But if one who is more powerful than you comes along, heed my warning. They may be victorious over you. Being overly egotistical, believing no one can be stronger than you is why many Sith have fallen. Power is limitless, meaning there is no such thing as the strongest or most powerful.

Through victory, my chains are broken. Despite power being limitless and the unending potential for someone more powerful than you, victory is still achievable. You can still set yourself free in this manner. It does not mean you can do whatever you want. The ultimate goal of a Sith is to break through the restrictions, or chains, set by themselves and others in order to pursue their potential.

The Force shall free me. Passion, strength, power, victory. The stepping stones to mastery over oneself and the Force. Ambition for greater purpose and freedom from restrictions. When this is truly achieved, one can be a true master of the dark side.

The Code of the Sith, as penned by Sorzus Syn herself millennia ago.
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