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15th of Quersaar, 942 PED

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Lalach Sani was sentenced to death. Lo-dak was given the honours to behead her. It disturbs me that I have become desensitized to death.

Quake was brought to the farm and Szhezeyil transmuted them into a centaur. At that same farm, Szhezeyil met a kenku named Trill who could speak in the manner that non-kenku do. Trill has joined us on our journey.

We were granted the old Muharam Manor. The same one in which we ran from an ocean of yugoloths. We have left it in the care of some old friends and allies.

We travelled to the Prankster's Paradise, but we were met with a hefty toll of gold and a few miserable survivors working under the invaders of the Caldera Khan. They have named it "the Khan's Forge." They are using it to produce weaponry for the Khan.

I forgot to mention: Torina bought a liondrake named Majda. Majda is trained and ready for battle. Obby gave Mirage to Thia, so now we also have a rat following us everywhere. Mirage is a sly bugger, she'll be fine.

Things should be fine.

15th of Quersaar, 942 PED

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