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Summer Camp 2019

Somewhere in your setting, describe
Describe a major technological breakthrough and the impact it had in your world.
A total of 261 entries

The Creation of The Warforged

Managlou-Dube Printing Press

Moving the Water - Irrigation and Farming

Harmonic Voidcrystal Activation

The Development of Hollow Mining in The Wraith Globe

Tanegashima (Matchlock Gun)

Clocks, gnomish invention

Artificial Storage Capacity for Magic

Catalytic Electric Generation

Medicine has changed the world

Void Powered Centrifugal Generator (VPCG)

Mystical Mechanics: Bolt Multiplier Engine

Dominion Shrikes (Mechanized Spirit)

Reaping (Artificial Manacite Creation)

W'toyar Ouwerai: Three Variants of Portals

Cybernetics in the Roman Empire

Artificially Intelligent machines

Particle Manipulaton Technology

Sunspark Automative Construction

The Automated Democracy Clockwork