The First Lives and Deaths

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The Material came into fruition with life of the new beings, whom Cor'Neas mockingly called Humans. They were wise and marked the passing of the stars as Stell'Arya had ordained, bound by their movements through the veil they called the Sky. With the rising of the Sun, they would wake and work on their fields and in the sea. They needed nothing for they were nourished by the crops and waters, and were plenty, spreading across the expanse of Lumis. Made from both the Material and the Astral, they were always aware of the presence of the beings before them, whom they turned to for guidance. 

As they tried to multiply, they began to struggle for more of the land. At times, this would anger Cor'Neas, who would send great beasts to keep them at bay from the wild places that were his domain. Though they were made to suffer, they were of the Astral, so they could not die, only learn to be careful where they wandered. They continued to multiple, and soon, much of the land, safe for the wild places, began to be settled by them, each one tending to their own. Soon, they found themselves turning the beings in the Heavens for aid, as their numbers grew faster than they could harvest the life-giving crops in order to feed them. 

Solis'Rei, hearing the plead of those beings he made in his own image, conceived a plan, and decided to make two new shapes. The first was in response to the desire to harvest the life-giving crop, and spoke,

"You shall harness my light and bring it down to my children. With your hands will you mold the Material and make from it shapes to aid them."

The shape flared to life and spoke with an earnest voice, "Then I shall take your burning light and make it my domain and home, and I shall call it Fire. I will carve from the Material the raw shapes rich with aether and mold it into new ones with this fire. I will teach this to the wise ones who are ready to build and share of this shape-making flame that they may device the means to satisfy their needs. I shall take the name Osto'Ronius, in your honor." 

This pleased Solis'Rei, who then responded to the suffering of his children by the beasts of Cor'Neas, saying,

"You shall harness the pain of my children and replace it with a flame that rages with as much vigor as the great beasts of the land."

The shape flared to life and spoke with a brave voice, "Then I shall take that rage and make it my domain and home, and I shall call it Valor. I will tend to the flame of all the young ones who are ready to stand against the great beasts and share of this shape-making flame that they may device the means to satisfy their need. I shall take the name Core'Lione, in your honor."

The two beings went down on to Lumis and spread their teachings to the children, who were pleased and took to hands the shapes forged by the flames of Osto'Ronius, and gave them many forms to domesticate the fields and the beasts of the wild. Soon, the children would turn to the three beings and called upon them to shepherd them. This delighted them, and each spoke. 

Core'Lione said, "I shall take under my blade the young ones, whose fires rages with life and passion."

Osto'Ronius said, "I shall take under my hammer the wise ones, whose fires are tempered with time and patience."

Solis'Rei said, "I shall take under my disc the fathers, whose fires are as warm and life-giving as mine."

As they multiplied, the beings began to venture further from their small homes. With the help of Meridi'Anna, they built shapes to sail them across the waters, and with the help of Eris'Neas, shapes to travel across the lands. As they left behind their humble boundaries, they would be met with the great beasts of Cor'Neas, and they would slay them with the sharp shapes of Core'Lione. The children sang songs and praises to the beings above and marked their days with celebration. The flame gifted to them by Solis'Rei would run fervent within the hearts of their youth and their passions grew. Moved by this growth in spirit, other youths would turn to the first Mother, Nissa'Lune, and asked to be blessed with her light as well.

Nissa'Lune, moved by the pleas of the beings she made in her image, conceived a plan and decided to make two new shapes. The first was in response to the desire of her passion, and spoke,

"You shall harness my light and bring it down to my children. With it, you shall clad yourself and take my secrets to teach them to those who are worthy."

The shape swirled to life and with a mesmerizing voice, it spoke and said, " Then I shall take your luring light and make it my domain and home and I shall call it Mystery. I shall take its splendor and entice the hearts of your children to seek me. I shall fill them with your passion and teach the wise ones who are ready to learn your secrets. I shall take the name Calust'Rea, in your honor."

This pleased Nissa'Lune, who then, moved by the praise of the children, spoke and said,

"You shall harness the songs of my children and fill their hearts with a flood of emotion that will inspire creations of splendor." 

The shape swirled to life and with a cheerful voice, it spoke, "Then I shall take those songs and make them my domain and home, and I shall call it Passion. I will tend to the hearts of the children, which burst with song in them, and I shall inspire the hearts of the children to breathe beauty into their work. I shall take the name Lyri'Lia, in your honor." 

The two beings went down on to Lumis and spread their teachings to the children, who were pleased and took to heart the secrets and splendors of Calust'Rea and Lyri'Lia. Soon, the beings would turn to the three beings and called upon them to shepherd them. This delighted the beings, and each spoke. 

Lyri'Lia said, "I shall take under my lyre the young ones, whose hearts are pure and overflowing with music."

Calust'Rea said, "I shall take under my veils the wise ones, whose hearts are ready to blossom with secrets."

Nissa'Lune said, "I shall take under my disc the mothers, whose hearts are as soft and life-giving as mine."

The needs of the Children were answered, and Stell'Arya marked this day in the movement of the stars. 

So it was that as time passed on, the children of the beings, which they called Gods, in honor of their guidance, began to fill many of the corners of Lumis. The great shape that was once barren, was a paradise of life. The gods walked amongst their children for millennia, and all was good. Solis and Nissa, the first humans, were venerated as great ancestors, they lived amongst their thousands of descendants, and they were beloved by the gods, safe for Cor'Neas. 

Solis tended to the fields with his children and their children and their children' children. He fought with them, ate with them, had witnessed the birth of most of them. Nissa tended the hearths with her children and their children and their children' children. She fought with them, ate with them, had guided the birth of most of them. As Lumis turned and the stars counted the endless passing, the two beings began to feel a weariness most terrible. They turned to Nissa'Lune and Solis'Rei, they prayed for guidance on the matter, and Solis said,

"Father, you are the cultivator of life and bringer of warmth, your light fills our days with labor, and we toil as is our sacred duty. I find that as the ages pass, this form of mine continues to desire rest and it aches with every waking morning."

Nissa also made her plead, and said,

"Mother, you are the provider of essence and bringer of rest, your light soothes our hearts, and we sleep under your soft embrace. I find that as the ages pass, this form of mine continues to desire rest and weeps because your embrace is only temporary."

The two siblings were pained by the sorrow of the two beings, whom they loved so much. They turned to Stell'Arya for guidance, and Nissa'Lune said,

"Is there no means by which we may grant them sleep everlasting?"

Solis'Rei also made his plead, and said,

"Our children have had many days under our discs, may we grant them rest from their endless work?"

Stell'Arya was saddened by the pleas of her siblings, and the pain of their beloved children. She consulted the stars, wise as she was in the ways of the Astral nature. Try as she may, she could find no solution to their problem. Wise Aes'Thera noticed her daughter's struggle, and spoke,

"What is it that troubles my bright daughter who moves the very celestial bodies to her will?"

Stell'Arya paid respects to her mother, mistress of the Weave and all things within the Astral and beyond. She said,

"The children of my siblings, beloved by all, are suffering they are made of shapes unlike any other. They are both of the Material and the Astral, though their forms age and break down, they cannot die for they are our children. They know only to rise with the great disk of the Sun and rest with the soft disk of the Moon. This cycle is sacred and yet it is without end, as is decreed by our father."

Aes'Thera listened carefully to the words of her daughter, and she was saddened by the struggle of her children and their beloved creations. She embraced her three children and said,

"When next rises your father, I shall seek his wisdom."

Thana'Tomos came to be from his slumber as a part of all things within the Astral. Though his form was fluid, his presence was solid, it permeates throughout the Astral and the Material. Aes'Thera embraced her lover, and he could feel the pain in her being. He spoke,

"My beloved who is the mistress of all knowledge and curiosity, what troubles your mind today?"

Aes'Thera spoke, and said,

"My lord and beloved, who is and isn't, who sleeps and from his dreams are mysteries born and solved. You who are the eternal, the cycle of being and not being, your solemn duty so that all things may be as they are, I seek your wisdom. Our children suffer for their beloved creations seek to rest and break free of the cycle you have decreed upon them. What can be done, my lord?

Thana'Tomos was saddened by the words of his lover, and by the pain of his children. He thought long and hard, he contemplated the question for fourteen cycles. He was made and unmade, and with every cycle he dreamed and suffered and sought answers through the unknown. Upon the fourteenth cycle, as he was made again, he sought out all his children and all the beings known as the Gods. The gods gathered within the Astral and were met by their lord, he spoke and said, 

"For fourteen cycles, I was made and unmade and made again. I fell deep into the primordial waters and rose once more and with every passing rise and fall I contemplated the pain of our children and their beloved. My children, listen to my words, I offer you wisdom that is mine and mine alone. I made a decree that all things shall know the cycles of endless duty for mine was the domain to begin and end, I did not wish to let any other bear this burden. I am the oldest amongst you and I alone know rest and rebirth. 

I feel for the creations of my beloved children, for they too were the first of their kind and the oldest, and yet they do not know rest and rebirth. I propose this: for so long have I traveled the unknown depths of the primordial waters and I have felt lonely in my journeys. I seek the company of others and yet I cannot take with me any of you for you are made pure of the Astral aether with your own domains and duties formed of the chaos."

The gods, shocked at words of their father, all began to question his proposal, Aes'Thera spoke out amongst them, and addressed the lord of all things. 

"My beloved, my heart floods with passion for you more so than before, that you have felt this way for eons and never once spoke of your hardships. Be it that I could, I would be the first to join you on your journeys. But you, in your infinite wisdom, speak true that we are unable to join you. That being said, the beloved creations of our children carry much of our essence within them as well. They are of the Material and the Astral, how are we to prepare them for a journey they cannot take?"

Thana'Tomos was silent for a long time, and when he spoke again, he demanded that the gods all meet upon the surface of Lumis. The divine beings came down from the Heavens in which they resided and called for their children to come from all corners of the lands and seas. 

Solis and Nissa were the first amongst them, as was their right, to stand before the gods and sit with them as true equals. The children sang praise up the divinities and in toll did they embrace them. Thana'Tomos finally broke his silence as he embraced the first children, Solis and Nissa. He was filled with pride and sorrow, and he spoke,

"You who have been the first of your kind, oldest amongst them, as I am amongst the gods, you are in pain, and I cannot bear to see the creations of my children suffer. You desire rest and yet it was I who decreed that I along could truly end be born again for it was my solemn duty. I seek companionship and you seek freedom from this endless cycle, as I am sure many of your children will soon seek it as well. You are of the Astral and the Material, you are divinities of your own right....and so I stand before both gods and their children, and I make one final decree."

All who stood before the gods and the gods themselves, began to weep at the words of their father, the one called Thana'Tomos, who said,

"I who am the oldest amongst the divinities have traveled the unknown depths of the primordial waters since time immemorial. I know all the secrets and all the truths, and I alone bare them as is my burden and my right. But I too know the suffering of you, my beloved beings of both the gods and Lumis, you desire to break free of your endless cycle and you cannot do so for you are as divine as we are. So, I shall make a pact with you and your descendants and your descendants' descendants. I, Thana'Tomos, who was first and was and is and will be, shall break apart my very essence and gift onto you all a piece of my divine domain. You shall carry it and I shall call it: the Soul. It is a part of me, and it manifests itself with every new birth and returns the primordial waters with every end, which I shall call Death.

Come to me, my children, born of the gods and this great expanse of Lumis, and receive unto thee my burden. You shall be the first of many to accompany me in the depths of the primordial waters and we shall walk together, and when the time comes, you shall be made again anew and your lives shall be as my dreams, mysteries to be made and solved. When you pass on and dip into the waters, I shall be there to greet you, and you shall regale me with your stories, and when you must rise again, I shall mourn you, and you will know the mysteries and secrets of all."

One by one, the gods came to embrace their father and lord, and Aes'Thera, mother of all, came to her lover and said,

"That you would leave me in the great expanse so that our children may find peace and rest, I am torn between love and agony. But I know that you are never truly gone, you shall persist in all of our children, and I shall feel your permeating love as I have always felt. You had no form I could see and so I cannot be pained to watch it fade. I will guide all of our children and see that they are gifted with my blessings as they come to be again. I shall embrace them as I embrace you, and I shall mourn with them as I mourn with you." 

Thana'Tomos embraced his lover with a passion unlike any other, and then he turned and held on dearly to the first beings of the gods, Solis and Nissa. His embrace broke him into motes of divine aether that each entered the vessels of all the beings of Lumis, made of the gods and the great expanse. With is final act, Thana'Tomos took with him the first of the children to die, the first to be made, and the first to be reborn anew. His ultimate sacrifice broke the endless cycle of the people of Lumis, who could now die from old age, but could also die through many other things...

Stell'Arya marked this day on the movements of the stars.

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