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To Do:

Writing Profecy

Designing Friend

Starting Dungeon

The Sanctuary of Astaria

The Quest

The Gods

The New Goddess

The Final Battle



Character God Plane Dungeon Type Description Tattoo Info Task Consequence



Bane The Black Citadel Diplomacy / Investigation

Route out the cause of war / tyranny within the nobles home.

Then, free Bane.

Eyes You see parts of the new Astaria, though do not know it. Search in the place where the planes are most connected. Find the most perfect, strongest, blackest, smoothest, unblemished quarts stone in the moat.  Freezing Blizzard has spread from Roaming mountains into Kymil 



Silvanus The Oaken Wilds Battle / gorilla warfare / hard choice

Defend the wilds againest the expansions of man. Goblins?

Then, prove dedication

Ears You have heard the voice of the one with the knoweledge. You must hear their fears and placate them when the time comes.   Listen and find the wildest gust of wind, as is rushes though the leaves untamed and capture it.  Dark cloud spread over Helix, reports of necrotic lightnight turning people into undead



Kord The Raging Tempest Battle on the High Seas

Sail your ship safely throug the storm to the eye.

Then, recieve retirment

Arms There will be a reluctance once they are called, one you understand. They have fled from their heart to protect it before and you must keep the one they fled from steady. Capture the wildest raging Storm wyvern and collect from it the most charged electric scale.  Fire Storm over Zafqorel.



Smiling Man The Realm of Dreams and Nightmares Manifestation of dreams and fears / progress forwards

Move through all the rooms putting the children to sleep safely.

Then, set quest to establish domain and get parents

Legs You who can flee from much, must stop their flight; for they have done so before; and in doing so caused much of this peril. You were abondoned, they did the abandoning. Catch the fleeting fear of a well loved child before it is banished from the pillow by a mothers kiss.  Raging Seas, waves so big the Orc triblands vanished beneath them, coastal town struggling



Corellion The Chronicles of Fey Tell a story....

Each room is the next part of the story the players must tell.

Then, see corellion a bit stressed.

Mouth You are a teller of stories, and this one is particularly dramatic. The man you look for is much connected to one of your group, though never truely met.  Charm my most stubborn of stallions and safely pluck a hair from its tail; they make the most beautiful bow strings on any violin.  Intensive sandstorms in the Urthadar Desert, destroying buildings, water and people.
Argar Oghma The Great Archive Logic Puzzles 

Solve all the puzzles to progress forwards to the inner archive.

Then, Free Oghma

Mind Only one who has experienced the consequences of planar meddling is capable of fulfilling the role. First he gave away his heart, then driven by fear, he abondoned it. Seek out a great mind in its last moments of life, and capture that knoweledge before it is lost.  Arkis Magical storms



Astaria/on The Eternal Crossing Immediate entry

Rolling collapse of the planes as they start to collide.

Then, Battle

Shoulders You must find...Astarion Bare the brunt of  the planes on your shoulders to collect the residue of the 7 primary planes.  Thelran earthquakes


When the Lady of Balance brings down the stars and the lines of the universe begin to blur; belivers will begin to forget.

With forgetting, comes collisions and beings of great evil stand to gain much. Chaos and Fire will rise, unless the last sanctum remembers.

The time will come when Chaos will rise after the Flames have been beaten back, and the slumber must end.

The Storm Warrior, Daughter of the wind, and Baneschild will come forth to open the door and the sands will run quickly before He attacks and all is lost. 

Mortal Heroes, lead by Astaria's Friend, must step through the divine gate and recieve the blessings to rebirth the Goddess of the Planes anew.

Only then can the chaos be banished to the between, and balance be restored.


Old english

At which hour the mistress of balanceth endues down the stars and the lines of the univ'rse beginneth to blur; beliv'rs shall beginneth to f'rget.

with f'rgetting, cometh collisions and beings of most wondrous evil standeth to gain much. Chaos and fireth shall riseth, unless the lasteth sanctum rememb'rs.

the timeth shall cometh at which hour chaos shall riseth aft'r the flames has't been flung out backeth, and the slumb'r might not but endeth.

the st'rm warri'r, daught'r of the windeth, and baneschild shall cometh f'rth to ope the doth'r and the sands shall runneth apace bef're that gent attacks and all is hath lost.

m'rtal h'roes, leadeth by astaria's cousin, wilt grise through the divine gate and recieve the blessings to rebirth the goddess of the planes anew.

only then can the chaos beest did banish to the between, and balanceth beest rest'r'd

Corridor 1 (Basic Traps): 

Description: A dark winding corridor, 5ft wide. Every few feet the wall is painted with a circular scene; each one different. Trees, mountains, fire, the sky, creatures of light and darkness and the unknown. 


  • Spears: a strange, dark skinned fleshy humainoid frog corpse is slumped against the wall; filled with holes
  • Pit: filled with acidic sludge
  • Giant blade: a blueish two headed wolf lays in two peices
  • Slope down into a pit of spikes: a sphinx like pantha creature is skeward 

Left Door: Ice wall, with a bulbus puss oozing Ogre, riding a giant cricket like bug, half frozen in it, alise, and asleep. 

Things to Note: loot on corpses, from different planes


Room 1 (Dedications to Astaria):

Description: Large room with a number of wooden benches arranged positioned towards two large wooden carved statues of a woman; the goddess Astaria. Positioned around each of their outstretched hands, rotating slowly, are 5 small glowing orbs. Between the benches are the remains for some sort of creature.

Traps: Statues of Astaria firing out different energies at people in the room within line of sight. +12 to hit, 3d10 damageof all: Radiant, Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Radiant, Thunder
Statues: Immune to magic damage. Resistant to slashing and bludgoning damage. AC20, 100HP. Only attacks in line of sight.

Left Door: a solid sheet of stone. Carved into the stone is a zig zag that runs from top to bottom. At each point in the zigzag is a small colourful circle of pottery. the pottery glows briefly after being touched. To open the door, someone much trace their finger from top to bottom slowly (3 rounds)

Right Door: a solid sheet of stone. Carved into the stone is a zig zag that runs from top to bottom. At each point in the zigzag is a small colourful circle of pottery. the pottery glows briefly after being touched. To open the door, someone much trace their finger from bottom to top slowly (3 rounds)

Things to Note: there are candles and small piles of dirt, grass, leaves and sand in offerings at the base of each statue.


Room 4 (Word Search Puzzle):

Description: Stretching out in front of you is a narrow walkway. To the left of the walkway, are two steps down into a large square room. The floor is tiled, and each tile has a letter on it. on the opposite side of the room, across the tiles, you can see a closed door. to the right of the door, carved into the wall is a short poem. In the middle of the floor is a charred corpse of a giant frog like man.

Traps: Stepping on wrong letters causes the floor to reset and deals 3d10 damage to whoever steps on the floor. Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Radiant, Thunder

Top Door: Solid, no way to open without completing the puzzle.

Things to Note: each letter is an inlaid wooden releif on stone.


Corridor 2 (Medium Traps):

Description: a dark corridor, that once again has small painted circles on the walls showing different scenes. 

Traps: Protection against planars spell. Zephyra feels sluggish, heavy, bloated, like the air is too thick in her lungs when moving through it.

Top Door: ZigZag top to bottom.

Things to Note: low lighting


Room 6 (Treasure Storage):

Description:Piles of items, crates and chests. All a bit higgledy piggledy. Most of the items seem to be mundane, and of little material worth.... other than the fact they are thousands of years old and look quite new. Wooden carvings, piles of cloth, bowls and vases, plant clippings, charcoal sketches and beaded jewelery. There are a few things scattered about made of metal and gems, and a few things of worth. 


Room 5 (Blessing Chamber):

Description: A smaller room with a number of large basins filled with clear water by carved figures of Astaria, with colourful blue/turquoise pebbles at the bottom. The walls have images of various glades, creeks, streams and ponds with a variety of nymphs and nereids preparing to bathe.

Traps: Once everyone is in... or at an opportune moment, the door seals, trapping people in the room. Every round the water increases by 5ft, and electricutes everyone for 3d10 lightnight/cold damage. To stop the trap you must find the pebble in each basin that is a different colour and place it above the hands of the goddess fountains. The portraits indicate this.

Right Door: opens once the water is gone. Can be broken through if needed. AC 20, HP50, immune to magic, resistant to all other damage.

Things to Note: the closed door has blade mark scratches against it. The elf can be looted.


Corridor 3 (Hard Traps):

Description: the corridor is dark, very dark, except for a very feight glowing light coming from the end of the corridor. Rather than a har dstone floor, this one has a bouncy wooden planked floor. high perception shows that there are thin threads barely visable criss crossed accross the whole corridor. Stepping heavily on the floor causes the floor to move shaking the thin spindle the softly glowing ball rests upon, making a slight chinking noise in warning.

Traps: stepping heavily on the floor causes the ball to fall and break. moving quickly through the room causes the threads to pull on the ball and break it. If the ball breaks, it will cast true polymorph or anyone within 25ft. Wis save, DC20 or squirrels.

Top Door: Enchanted with a banishment spell. Cha DC 20


Room 3 (Mural Walls):

Description: A large open room with a large sculpture of the goddess in the centre. around the room are 8 large painted murals. scralled across every other space on the wall, repeated over and over, in different colours and styles is the word 'remember'.


  • Orange: a village in a forest, people, mostly firbolgs going about their day amongst the trees. A few of them stand around a well in in clearing, chatting holding buckets. With them is a large evil looking shadow snake, clutching a bucket in its mouth.
  • Turquoise: a festival in a forest. A group of children dance around holding hands, strings of lights and bunting hanging from the trees. in the middle of the ring of dancers is a very out of place yet grinning chain demon.
  • Yellow: the sky falling. Above the treetops of the forest, the figure of a woman, that seems to be made entirely of stars, is falling. The villagers are stood watching in shock, horror and fear.
  • Red: A large crevice has opened in the middle of the forest, the sky is dark, the trees burn out of control. 
  • Grey: Portals start opening up, creatures from many planes start flooding in, for good and bad. Chaos ensues in the remains of the forest
  • Pink: sand moving in, burying the village as it struggles to survive without anythign growing. the trees are dying.
  • Green: village being attacked by many creatures of different types. Dead lay scattered amongst the ruined remains of the village. only the temple and a handful of people remain.
  • Blue: sealing the temple. a group of sad looking Firbolgs, baring the symbol of Astaria, look around at the destriyed remains of their village, and seal themselves away in the temple.

Top Door: There is a large closed double door at the top of the room, with a shimmering purple barrier in front of it. The door is heavily decorated with carvings of nature surrounding three hand prints; one very large in the middle, with a lightning bolt in the centre. One smaller one on the left with a dagger in the centre, and a similarly sized one on the right with a curl of wind in the middle. 


Room 2 (Inner Sanctum):

Description: The doors open, with a rush of air and light, a massive sign as though a long nap sleep has come to an end. 






  • Scorn cowardice
  • The strong and fit should protect the weak
  • A leader's best quality is bravery
  • Physical contests as a method for resolving disputes
  • Because battle claims the weak and cowardly alike, there is nothing to lose by seeking battle; indeed, battle determines who is most worthy of life
  • Defeat evil Dragons and win glory

Underwater rules:

  1. Moving and Breathing
    1. Unless you have a swimming speed, your movement is halved while swimming
    2. DC 10 con save for each hour of swimming or gain 1 level of exhaustion. in deep water, 2 levels.
    3. Characters can hold breath for minutes equal to 1 + con mod. If Con is less than 10, 30 seconds.
    4. An unconscious character can survive a number of rounds equal to their con mod (min 1). If they remain under water without breath they start to drown meaning drop to 0HP and make death saves.
      1. A drowning character connot regain HP or be stabalised until they can breathe
    5. If a character casts a spell with a verbal component, they use their held breathe and must act before the drowning rules kick in.
    6. If a character is attacked underwater they must make a DC 10 con save to keep holding their breathe.
  2. Combat
    1. Melee weapon attacks at disadvantage unless they are made with a: dagger, javelin, shortsword, spear or trident. Characters with a swimming speed can attack normally with any melee weapon.
    2. Ranged weapon attacks are made with disadvantage unless they are made with: Crossbows, nets, javelins, spears, tridents, and darts. All ranged weapons can only hit within the weapons normal range, or automatically miss.
    3. Fire damage Spells are at disadvantage to hit / advantage to resist. Thedamage, the range and the area of effect are halved.
    4. Lightning damage Spells are at advantage to hit / disadvantage to avoid. the damage, range and area of effect are doubled. The caster takes lightning damage equal to the spells level.



  1. Seaclaw Boar - Dwarves -
    1. Captain Hammerguard. Hardy, loud, impatient
    2. Large traditional ship
  2. Shadows Grace - Elves -
    1. Captain Dewflow. Quite, perceptive, calculating
    2. Dark narrow ship that hides and snipes
  3. Joyful Fiddle - Halflings -
    1. Captain Quickstride. Jolly, encoraging, good sportwoman
    2. Small quick ship, many small attacks
  4. Mighty Regality - Dragonborn -
    1. Captain Barash. Snobby, supirior and vengeful
    2. large grand fancy ship of magic
  5. Tinker Tonk - Gnomes -
    1. Captain Pocklenickle. eccentric, chatty, smells of smoke
    2. strange metal ship of weird and wacky tools
  6. Perception formation
    1. TBC
    2. TBC


  • Rainy: Unpleasant to travel in. Risks of boat filling up with rain. half speed as crew is needed to keep water out. All fire damage rolls have a –2. Also has the effect of Heavy Clouds.
  • Fog: All creatures are heavily obscured if they are more than 20 feet from you. All terrain is difficult terrain.
  • Storm: rain effects and Lightning flashes and thunder crashes. All creatures are partially obscured if they are more than 20 feet from you. If you travel for 2 or more hours during a Thunderstorm, roll a d20. On a 1, you are struck by a lightning bolt dealing 3d12 lightning damage. Lightning and Thunder damage rolls have a +2. Also has the effect of Rain, High Winds, Heavy Clouds.
  • Cloud: The sky is blocked. High flying aerial creatures have total cover, and outdoor light does not count as sunlight (for the purposes of sunlight sensitivity and similar traits). Checks using Navigation Tools to determine your location based on celestial observation are made with disadvantage.
  • Sunshine:  Blistering heat that is unpleasant to travel in. Creatures that attempt to travel during day light hours require twice the ration of water, and creature that travel for 2 or more hours or engage in heavy activity for 1 or more hour during the day and do not immediately take a short or long rest under cover must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of Exhaustion. All fire damage rolls have a +2. All cold damage rolls have a –2.
  • Wind: every so often, roll d4, wind chnages direction. when sailing with the wind you travel 1h per square instead of 2. traveling against the wind is 3h. 

Navigating the Map

1. Island Shipwreck (rainy)

Description: a small desert island, surrounded by rocks and the long left remains of a shipwreck thrown against them. The island had a single tree, and a single skeleton with a key.

Challenge: Get the key from the island sheleton, and dive beneath the waves to find the captains chest. Once the chest is open the ghost of the captain will try to take control of the ship with his ghostly crew.

Prize: Change 1 weather effect on an area you are in


2. Cliff Point (rainy)

Description: 100ft up, a rock juts out over the ocean, massive waves hitting it, making it hard to get a boat near.

Challenge: in a harpy nest, swarming with harpies

Prize: See the location of the kraken


3. Bright Coral (foggy)

Description: glowing corals tunneling down and around, hard to navigate like a maze, filled with jellyfish


A gigantic group of jellyfishes moves in a certain direction all together. Making your way around the jellyfishes will probably add 3 more hours to the voyage. Going through its interior, on the other hand, seems extremely dangerous.

Attempting to go through the interior requires a skill challenge. You can make it as long as you want, but I do recommend having to get 6 successes before they get 3 failures. Every time the player characters fail at a check, they all take 4d10 lightning damage as several jellyfishes attack all at once.  Succeeding on the skill challenge means the characters crossed the jellyfish group successfully. Failing at it means the group falls unconscious for 1d6 hours in the interior of the jellyfish group as all the jellyfishes decide to attack the characters at once. If the characters require to breathe air to survive, have a fishing boat rescue the characters with a big net. Either way, they lose 1d4 hours until they all wake up in the boat.

Prize: See the location of other ships


4. Underwater Temple (rainy)


Challenge: kraken priests

Prize: Ship is resistant to damage


5. Huge Statues (storm)

Description: sparing collosus' 

Challenge: turn on the boat once the gem is picked up

Prize: Re-fresh crew 1 time


6. Whirlpool (storm)



You find yourselves in front of a 50ft radius whirlpool. Parts of destroyed ships, algae and some animals are caught spinning in it. The area around the whirlpool is divided in three spaces, each of them 20ft. wide. The player characters start in area 3. Have each player character roll a Strength (Athletics) check to get away from its center getting to the area adjacent to it. Failing the save moves the character closer to the center. For example, if you are in area 2 and fail the save, you are moved to area 1. If you succeed, you manage to swim to area 3. Below are the areas with their respective DCs:

Area 3: DC17
Area 2: DC20
Area 1: DC22
Failing the save on area 1 has the character fully trapped in the whirlpool moving full speed around it. Once it’s settled how many PCs are trapped witin it and how many are out of its grasp, start a skill challenge with those inside it using the many things trapped going in circles with the PCs.

Prize: Magically summon a stream to drive another ship off course


7. Temple Island (sunny)

Description: whirlpool with glowing runes at the bottom

Challenge: whirlpool. Runes at bottom light up and trap anyone on it within the circle, magical effects stop.

Prize: Call the kraken to your current location


8. Kelp Forest (cloudy)


Challenge: hard to naigate and swarms of poisonous snakes hide

Prize: Crew gains benefits of a long rest


9. Underwater Wreck (cloudy)


Challenge: a lone triton lives there, must be convinced to give up his treasure

Prize: Completely fix ship 1 time


10. Deep Coral (storm)


Challenge: giant sharks, the gem is inside one of them

Prize: Summon a corla reef behind your ship 1 time.


Order of Events

  1. Stop 1, just them
  2. Stop 2 just them
  3. Stop 3 already looted
  4. Stop 4 see another ship
  5. Stop 5 just them
  6. Stop 6 see Kragon
  7. stop 7 see wrecked other ship
  8. stop 8 see two other ships fighting
  9. stop 9



  • stood on a mountain top, clouds, lightning booming.
  • spiring down mountain fighters keeping a swirling enemy at bay
  • a multicolours smoke rolls towards them as they fight, forming the bodies of beasts and creatures who are beat back by the warriors
  • stood next to all of you is the large figure of a man, Kord is depicted as a hugely muscular man with a red beard and long red hair. He wears a fighting girdle made from a red dragon's hide, gauntlets from a white dragon's hide, and boots from a blue dragon's hide. He wields the greatsword Kelmar in battle.
  • stood above him is an opalescent version of him self, directing the lightnigh down against the smoke.
  • """""
  • You have done well to get here Storm Warrior, passing Lailas test and proving yourself to be a dedicated follower. The rules of the devine must be followed now the end of times is near. You have my blessing to use my power to find the new god, and please act quickly. These are the agents of chaos. holding them back from the heavens for now; for they cannot be allowed to possess our powers too. 

Lich and Shadow

A Lich’s Lair
A lich often haunts the abode it favored in life, such as a lonely tower, a haunted ruin, or an academy of black magic. Alternatively, some liches construct secret tombs filled with powerful guardians and traps.

Everything about a lich’s lair reflects its keen mind and wicked cunning, including the magic and mundane traps that secure it. Undead, constructs, and bound demons lurk in shadowy recesses, emerging to destroy those who dare to disturb the lich’s work.

A lich encountered in its lair has a challenge rating of 22 (41,000 XP).

Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the lich can take a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects; the lich can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:

  • The lich rolls a d8 and regains a spell slot of that level or lower. If it has no spent spell slots of that level or lower, nothing happens.
  • The lich targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. A crackling cord of negative energy tethers the lich to the target. Whenever the lich takes damage, the target must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the lich takes half the damage (rounded down), and the target takes the remaining damage. This tether lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round or until the lich or the target is no longer in the lich’s lair.
  • The lich calls forth the spirits of creatures that died in its lair. These apparitions materialize and attack one creature that the lich can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 52 (15d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. The apparitions then disappear.



Blinding Sickness. Pain grips the creature’s mind, and its eyes turn milky white. The creature has disadvantage on Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving throws and vision becomes 5ft visability.

Filth Fever. A raging fever sweeps through the creature’s body. The creature has disadvantage on Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and attack rolls that use Strength.

Flesh Rot. The creature’s flesh decays. The creature has disadvantage on Charisma checks and vulnerability to all damage.

Mindfire. The creature’s mind becomes feverish. The creature has disadvantage on Intelligence checks and Intelligence saving throws, and the creature cannot maintain concentration on anything for more than a round.

Seizure. The creature is overcome with shaking. The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity checks, Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls that use Dexterity.

Slimy Doom. The creature begins to bleed uncontrollably. The creature has disadvantage on Constitution checks and Constitution saving throws. In addition, at the end of each round the target takes 1d4 damage (1d10 outside)

Elistraie: Goddess of beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, and hunting

Lolth: Queen of the Demonweb Pits



  • Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do.
  • Follow the echoes of lost magic, forgotten sites, and ancient art, for within these lie Corellions first works.
  • Combat the followers of Lolth the Spider Queen wherever they may be.


Little Red Riding Hood

  1. Mother
  2. Little red riding hood
  3. Grandmother
  4. Wolf
  5. huntsman
  6. stranger in the woods


  1. Cinderella
  2. Evil Step mother
  3. Evil Step Sister 1
  4. Evil step sister 2
  5. Fairy godmother
  6. Prince

Jack and the beanstalk

  1. Mother
  2. Jack
  3. Cow
  4. Saleman of Beans
  5. Giant
  6. Golden Goose

Hansel and Gretel

  1. Father
  2. Evil step mother
  3. Hansel
  4. Gretal
  5. Evil Witch
  6. woodland birds

Snow White

  1. Snow White
  2. Evil Step Mother
  3. King
  4. Huntsman
  5. Prince
  6. The Dwarves


  1. Dad
  2. Mum
  3. Rapunzel
  4. Witch
  5. Prince
  6. Horse

The Six Swans

  1. King
  2. Evil Step Mother
  3. Princess
  4. The good Witch
  5. Princes human
  6. Princes Swan

The three Little Pigs

  1. Wolf
  2. Pig Straw
  3. Pig Sticks
  4. Pig Bricks
  5. Shop keeper of materials
  6. Home insurance saleman



  • bombardment of all your senses
  • its dark, but there are bright sudden flashed of different coloured light momentarily blinding you
  • there are moving bodies all around you, crushing into you and knocking you off balance.
  • A strong and confusing smell of flowers, swamps, sweat, magic and alcohol
  • puffs of smoke musty or sweet
  • and a deafendingly loud thumping dance tune
  • you seem to be in some sort of dance club, unlike anything any of you will have seen before and filled with Eladrin of all colours, fairys, nymphs, hags, werecreatures, animals and many more things you do not recognise.


Nursery - Vaala

As always described

Hallway - Pictures

Shadowy hallway, lined with 8 portraits

  • Cynthia Duffey - orphaned, ran a florists
  • Franklin Sullivan - orphaned, Landowner
  • Leola Manning - adopted, happy and wealthy
  • Luther Whitlock - orphaned, reclaimed family farm from bandits
  • Elnora Thompkins - Orphaned, powerful experimental alchemist
  • Henderson Gordon - adopted, by a merchant family
  • Dorcas Griffin - Orphaned, tamed a dragon and lived in the forest
  • Loretta Barbary, Orphaned, sailed the seas 

Bedroom 1 - Theo

Dark room, light barely touched it. Shadows whisp around the room.

Bedroom 2 - Gauthak

bedroom, large wardrobe, large amounts of stuff seemingly continuing to fall out

Dorm 1 - Zephyra

Room filled with beds, clothes and little girls dancing around the room singing:

"Zephyra is ugly, Madam has told me, no one will want her, because she looks so mouldy."

Dorm 2 - Family Room

Room with discarded toys around it




Hallway - Vaala Art

Downstairs walls have framed childrens drawings, all labelled with names and ages of those on the walls above.

Library - Argar

A wizened old dragonborn stands over a small blue frame at a desk berrating him:

"This is not good enough at all Master Argar, your sister was already 3 weeks ahead in her studies by this point. If you do not improve i will have to tell your father of your stupidity. Now, again, recite your gnomish alphabet"

Music Room - Dan

Young Dan, pressed against the door to the next room, preventing something from pushing through.

"Daniel Beufort, open this door right now. Your behaviour is despicable. You are a failure of a son. You will be punished severly for this. If you do not open this door right now you will be even more sorry. I will teach you to behave!"

Great Hall - Smiling Ghosts of friendly people

Shadows of friendly people, dancing as though at a ball, though they are ghostly

Study - Art supplies

Private Sitting Room - Teddies and stuffed animals 

Lab - Labelled potion ingredients repaired

Dining Room - China Dolls

Kitchen - Friend

From an open window, vines have entered the kitchen and are wrapping around a young firbolg who is clinging to a table leg to stop them pulling them out the window:

"The Forest Muncher has come to eat me, i left all the bread out!"

Pantry - Childish foods

Brewery - Alcohol

Storage - Old Clothes


The Smiling Man

Real name: Thorkoraxalynshx

Type: Dismaloth, Tragedy Terror, Doom Demon

Info: A parasite demon who can sense when a child is fated to suffer great tragedy and feed off of their woe.

Backstory: Started that way, once out of the birthing pits, but didn;t enjoy experiencing that level of misery. started trying to cheer the children up after their tragedy. using the power he gained to try and give them their life back. Couldn;t stop the bad thing from happening, but could try and put it right. Vaala's tragedy was so great that he funnelled all the power back into her, rather than offering an escape. Still tried to make her happy, Help make her friends, give her a companion. Wants a domain to increase his possible reach.

Hadarai: Soul coin of the mortal who was Vaalas brother.

  • A bright atrium of white marble columns wrapped in vines and soft glowing orbs of light.
  • outside of the central space, discs of multicoloured shimmering magic rotate around untethered, slowly colliding and bouncing off of each other with dull buzzing thunks.
  • Its beautiful, though at second glance clearly crumbling to ruins.
  • each of the pillars surrounding the central space are cracked, seemingly held together only by the vines. The lights flicker erratically, and the moving discs spray out debry with each collision. The sparks of magic that land seems to be slowly erroding the marble.
  • Across the central atrium floor, the inscribed marble is covered in what looks to be an oddly shaped carpet made seemingly of the nights sky.
  • you see a number of tiny glowing wisp like creatures, though warmer than ones seen before. they move around the colliding discs, appearing to be tethered in some way, thoguh pulling against them towards the central atrium.


  • The nights sky is a liquid, dripping over the edge, seemingly to neve run out.
  • Touching it will cause a constitution DC25 save. on a failure the target takes 100hp of radiant damage; 50 on a success. They feel hot, inside like your insides are burning up, but you also feel the external warms of coming home to a warm hug. You want to laugh and cry and scream and you probably are screaming as you feel the incredible life and the terrible death of a god. You also feel yourself growing stronger, more powerful and you level up.
  • If Friend touches it:
    • A ghostly figure held together by starlight apears before you all. Mid battle; She falls as if struck, not seeing you all at all, but looking to an unseen enemy over your heads. You see the celestial blood start to flow from a wound, matching the pattern on the floor; as she grows still.
    • After a pause, that feels like an eternity, In a small, though beautifully angelic voice, she speaks
    • My champion, you will come, as the chaos closes in, as the last hope and last friend of Astaria. The last echoes of my magic shall be kept alive and only as it fades shall you here this message. You must be the beacon of goodness you were destined to be. Find the next guardian of the planes. Theirs destiny is already written. They will find themselves were my blood soaks the earth, though they will not know why they were drawn to that place. Our enemies.....(struggling) will be many. Chaos....cannot consume.....Find.....Astarion.
    • You then see the image of Astaria reach out, spreading her own blood, spilling some off of the edge of the Atrium. she waves her fingers, thoguh clearly struggling to move and one of the magical discs move towards her. With the last of her strength, she pulls herself over the edge, through the disk. Disappearing to where you know now is the material plane; as you yourself saw where her journey ended.
  • silence
  • then a warm buzzing grows louder and closer. the small golden wisps fly towards you.
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