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Siblings, Eh?

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“Jorans blessing, Holly that might just be the stupidest looking creature I've ever seen!” called Micheal holding his helmet in shock.‌
“What, where, I wanna see!” Came an equally distorted and muffled voice. 
"Riiiiiight... There!" He exclaimed proudly, pointing straight to her crimson visor. ‌
"Oh haha veeery funny, you got me hoping we'd see more than snow and birds out here." She said while giving a light smack to the back of his helmet, a slight clang echoing across the tundra. ‌
"Owwww, you're supposed to look after your younger sibling, not hit them"‌
"We are literally twins"‌
"Oh yeah, but you feeeel older" ‌
"Maybe that means you should act your age for once" ‌
"Hmmm, nah i'll pass" He chuckled with a grin.
They proceeded onwards trudging through the snow, boots sinking into the snow as the metal begins to frost over ever so slightly before glowing a soft red, then frosting all over again, sharing cheesy jokes and stories of their past until they reach a large decline into the snow.‌
"Is this where they got in from?"‌
"I dunno but lets go around and hope we don't fall in the same way, eh?"‌
"Wow, was that actual logic? I thought the lizard had ripped that all out of you."‌
"Yeah well that robot had cooler armour than you!"‌
"We have the same armour, stupid."‌
"Oh, right"‌
"Come now, lets speed up, Crill's waiting for us." She called behind as her pace fastened to a run. "Last one there has to go with Hasnar tomorrow morning"
"Heyyyy, no fair! You know my legs don't work as well anymore."‌
"Hasnar said you have to exert yourself more or he wont know which parts need fixing, so, exertion time!" She said with a smile.‌
"Alright but if my leg falls off, you have to carry me." He said hurrying towards her, the occasional ticking from his body growing louder the faster he moved.
Hmm, about thirty seconds away. She thought to herself, watching her brother struggle to keep up. ‌
Five... Four... Three... Two... One. Before planting her boots into the ground, as a flash of crimson flew past her, straight to the entry point.‌
"Wha, you said you'd stop letting me win, you must really like the doc."‌
"Yes, totally has nothing to do with nothing ever happening when you two go out together."‌
"Yeah but we always bring you back ice-cream too!"‌
"...Good point."‌
They wiped away the thin layer of snow where the beeping lead them, revealing a seemingly rusted trapdoor. "Welp, here's the spot" he sighed as the metal groaned as it heaved upwards. "Hey, what if they're still down here? You know I kinda wanna meet 'em, I sooo wanna meet Lucien and have a drink with him! Oooh, but Dust sounds so cool too with his katana, and Silvio with his home-made cannons! Who d'you wanna meet the most?" ‌
"Hmmm, while I do quite want to speak to the brother of that lizard and find out what he knows, the Bloodworthe girl is the one everyone's talking about right now and to be honest, I do wonder if she even knows why yet."‌
"Wow, your reasons are so... Reasony, I just think they're dope!"‌
"The lizards brother literally tore your arm off"‌
"Yeah, but would you have done any differently?"‌
"...Honestly, no."‌
"Then it's settled" he said smacking a fist palm side to his chest triumphantly.
Sliding down various tunnels and fighting off various monsters with ease, they arrived down near the entrance of the ruins.‌
"Hey Crill, long time no see buddy, it's us"‌
"We are here to set you free"‌
A short period of silence.‌
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