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Notebook #1

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Dear direy. Miss Helley gave me this book to right write in to help me think about other things. It's hard. there are a lot of shouting shouts outside I hope everyone is ok. Miss Rooi Rewi Rooe Rooie has Mister Haarin with her so she will be ok and Mister Lucyen has Mister Guy but I dont think Fin has anyone looking after him. Mister Dust I think will go fight them all but that means theres noone left to protect Fin. When im big I will protect everyone just like I promised Mister Lucyen and I will be like Dust fighting away everyone. Even if he is very grumpy all the time. 

Miss Rooie used to scare me but now I think she's very nice. I want to be like her too she is always very pretty and smart but Lucyen teaches in a way more fun way but she gets sad when he teaches so I will lissen to her. 

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