Manuscripts | World Anvil

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High Magic

The Warmage

By Windblossom

9317 0 0 0

Politics and Gods clash in a world where magic is given to those who swear their lives to serve the diety whose power they seek. But where great power is available to all, the Gods have begun to die and new alliances are formed to salvage what power they can....

Deus Irae: Falling Night

By greentop

38535 0 0 35915

Gods walk amongst us, just like they always have. Be it in fields, factories, or on the battlefield, their domains have helped the modern world take shape in a way that no one could have predicted. Governments, kingdoms, and empires all keep their own pantheons...

Shadows Saga #1- Shadowed Soul

By amelianite

903 0 0 0

Oliver McKinney — rebel, reject, and occasional menace. yes, that's the grandson of Senator Kěith and Representative Jack. For the last fourteen years, a powerful energy has been picked up coming from Inerth, and the baz'e want it. The baz'e General Geuria...