The Strength of The Stone Fist: Records from the Monastery of The Yellow Rose

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Recordings from The Yellow Rose


The Monastery of the Yellow Rose, also known as the Citadel of the White Worm, was a monastery dedicated to St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred and Ilmater, the Broken God.The Monastery was a difficult place to reach, as the trails leading there were hard to find and follow. Furthermore, it was an arduous climb up a mountain pass to reach the entrance. It was a very solitary and remote place.

Located high in the Earthspur Mountains, the monastery lay east of the Glacier of the White Worm. Overlooking the glacier, it was built into the rocky side of a jagged mountain peak, one of the tallest in the Earthspurs, and upon a high plateau. The Citadel of the White Worm was an immense and sprawling fortress. From the outside, it projected many turrets, balconies, and windows. The top of the highest structure was a soaring and crenelated tower. There were also extensive tunnels into the mountain below, as every generation of monks built on new structures and dug out new subterranean chambers and tunnels.


A Closely Guarded Technique: The Martyrs Palm Strike

Inside the book of collated journals and historical writings Ulkas finds a section of journal pages from one "Tyrond S" that when realigned in a particular order show the proper technique for a spell available to clerics and paladins who are martially adept and strong of faith:

The Martyr's Palm Strike is a 1st level melee touch attack spell, or an unarmed strike for the purposes of making the hit connect. The technique stores divine power in your fist to be delivered to an enemy of your choice within 5 feet that you can see. The ability can only be cast when within melee range of an opponent. If you bypass the AC of your foe to deal damage, the spell is successfully cast. Upon contact with your foe, you knock them backward 10 feet from the direction you're facing and are able to heal an ally within 30 feet for 2d8 HP on your next turn as a bonus action. Roll 2d8 to determine the healing given, and take half of that damage onto yourself as you flagellate your spirit to sacrifice for your ally.


Martyr's Palm Strike:
Level 1 spell: can be upcast gaining 1d8 for every level above 1st
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Action to cast and connect, upon connecting can use bonus action on the next        turn to activate the healing ability.

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