The Binding: A Treatise on Rituals Regarding the Soul

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In the book "The Binding", the party learned of several hints at ways to possibly deal with certain issues plaguing a close friend.  Throughout several passages, this collection of texts and study notes detail a few interesting notes on magical ties to the soul:


"...Although, it is rather strange how the soul can be bound, and in how many ways this can be achieved. Some partial notes taken from a study of Patrons and their servants has shown that it is rare, but indeed possible to re-anchor a soul in service to another force if the conditions are met, and the subject is fortunate. In one particular instance, a half orc male had pledged himself to two masters: in the resulting bid for power one of the forces was able to expunge the claim the previous patron had on the male, and the new, more potent force had taken over the pact with the individual's soul. Curious indeed!" - Master Tobias Fench


"...Yes, I suppose that could be a possibility in this field of study. Scrawlings from Master Tobias have hinted at wondrous tangents that he delved into during his studies. Hastily scribed margin notes have made allusion to an unproven (yet highly intriguing) theorem showing a hierarchy of gods and patrons. And I must say, the introductory proofs here show almost a direct "power level" of a deity being able to surpass the hold on a subjects soul...rather intriguing...I must know more!" - Sage Jarven Holcolmb



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Jul 15, 2023 21:04

AS requested, here's your hints Skyrm and Edwin