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Lukaas Hendrix

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Magic Items

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Aba of the Desert

Wonderous item, uncommon 

While wearing this robe you are immune to the effects of extreme heat and extreme cold.


Wonderous item, uncommon

This heavy book is filled with holy scripture from the Loregiver and proclamations of Fate.

If you are proficient in the Religion skill, you may, as an Action, reference this book and gain expertise on your next Wisdom (Religion) skill check.

Amulet of the Gravekeeper

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

A dark metallic chain with an onyx skull that seems to whisper secrets of the damned. While attuned to this necklace, the user can see up to 30ft into the ethereal plane. The wielder also has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks against undead.

Amulet of Dreams

Wonderous item, rare (requires attunement)

A simple ruby attached to a simple gold chain. Upon close inspection, the ruby has arcane markings inscribed on it. While attuned to this amulet, the user can use an action summon up to three Sandmen. The Sandmen are summoned within 30 feet of the user and take no actions until offered a gem worth at least 100gp, afterwards they serve for one hour.

Once three Sandmen have been summoned, no more can be summoned until the next dawn.

Antikythera Mechanism

Wonderous item, very rare

This large, compass like object will direct you to the nearest instance of anything requested of it. To employ this effect, the user must hold the compass and concentrate on a specific creature or object of her choice. The mechanism will thereafter point to the subject that most closely matches the holder’s visualization or to the highest concentration of subjects within 1 mile.

The more specific the subject is, the more accurate the direction will be; if the subject is too general, the device won’t provide a meaningful reading.

Blade of Forgetfulness

Weapon (Scimitar), rare (requires attunement)

This scimitar is a favorite of assassins. By moving the blade in a figure eight pattern, you can cast Modify Memory on another creature, DC 13, except you can only make the target forget the last 10 minutes.

Once used in this way, the sword becomes inert until you take a long rest.

Book of Omens

Wonderous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This book of prayers allows you some insight into the days future.

Each morning, at dawn, you may read from this prayer book and gain two Portent dice.

Boots of Jaunting

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

These dark leather boots help you move unhindered in the battlefield. While attuned to these boots, you can teleport 10-ft as a bonus action.

Bracers of The Iron Mind

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

These bracers are made of a soft and malleable metal, perfect for an intelligent mind to work with. While attuned to these bracers, you may use your intelligence modifier instead of your dexterity modifier for calculating your AC.

Carpet of Flying

Wonderous item, very rare

You can speak the carpets command word as an action to cause it to start flying. It moves according to your commands, provided that you are within 30 ft of it.

There are four types of carpet, the one given to the players is decided by the DM.

Size Capacity Speed
3 ft. x 5 ft. 200 lbs. 80 ft
4 ft. x 6 ft. 400 lbs. 60 ft
5 ft. x 7 ft. 600 lbs. 40 ft
6 ft. x 9 ft. 800 lbs. 30 ft

A carpet can carry up to twice the weight shown on the table, but it flies at half speed if it carries more than its normal capacity.

Cutlass of the Golden Gulf

Weapon (cutlass), rare (requires attunement)

This cutlass is a magical weapon favored by corsairs and other sailors.

The Cutlass of the Golden Gulf is a +1 cutlass. While attuned to this cutlass, you are able to breath underwater and have a swim speed equal to your movement speed.

Dagger of Fiery Demise

Weapon (jambiya), very rare (requires attunement)

This jambiya is ornamented with blue and silver fixtures, when drawn it wreathes itself in a ghostly blue flame. 

The Dagger of Fiery Demise is a +1 jambiya.

Creatures damaged by this jambiya must make a Constitution saving throw, DC 15. On a failure, the creature is engulfed in blue flame taking an additional 1d8 necrotic damage each turn. At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature may repeat its saving throw, putting itself out on a success.

Dimensional Anchor

Wondrous item, very rare 

This statue comes in many forms but each one binds nearby creatures to their locations in the world. Creatures within 50 feet of this statue cannot teleport. Creatures can, however, teleport into the range of the statue.

Genie Prisons

Wondrous item, varies

These magical devices come in a variety of forms in the Land of Fate: bottles for djinn and efreet stoppered ewers for marids, and geodes or crystal decanters for dao. They are used by sha'irs to capture and discipline genies. Some genies so captured deserve their fate; they are mischievous, dangerous, or hateful. Some are innocent of any crimes but were imprisoned by evil or misguided sha'irs. All will claim innocence in such matters. Roll on (or choose from) the following table to determine the type of genie imprisoned, and therefore the type of genie prison (bottle, ewer, geode or decanter):

d100 Type of Genie
01-24 Djinni
25-48 Dao
49-73 Efreeti
74-96 Marid
97 Noble Djinni
98 Noble Dao
99 Noble Efreeti
00 Noble Marid

A genie so imprisoned may be charged by its imprisoner to perform certain actions upon release. The DM may choose or roll randomly from the following table:

d100 Charge
01-20 The genie must perform three tasks for the opener of the bottle. If the genie has wish-granting powers, the creature may use those to perform the task.
21-70 The genie must serve the opener of the bottle for 1,001 days.
71-80 The genie must attack the opener of the bottle. Good-aligned genies will leave their opponents unconscious but alive; otherwise, it's a fight to the death.
81-85 The genie must bring the opener of the bottle to a particular location, which may be a treasure vault, wizard tower, or city bazaar, at the decision of the DM.
86-90 The genie must locate a particular item, and may not leave the opener of the bottle until that item is found. The genie is under no obligation to serve the opener of the bottle.
91-00 The genie has gone insane and will attack all within reach upon release. Any item or spell that cures insanity will bring the genie back to its senses. The genie will then perform three tasks for the individual.

Golden Water

Wonderous item, very rare

This small crystalline vial allows its user to make a never-ending source of water.

It contains five distinct golden droplets. When a droplet is poured onto any substance other than crystal or precious metal, a tiny portal to the demi-plane of water is opened causing a small fountain to bubble into the air, forever.

If a drop is put into a mundane waterskin or canteen, it transforms it into a Decanter of Endless Water.

Hamsa Amulet

Wonderous item, rare

This ornate hand-shaped amulet protects from the envy and jealousy of others.

While wearing this amulet, you automatically succeed on saving throws against the evil eye.

Jambiya of Fate

Weapon (jambiya), rare (requires attunement)

Fate smiles on the wielder of this dagger.

While attuned to this dagger, you can call on Fate with a -5% to the percentile role.

Jewel of Seven Colors

Wonderous item, rare (requires attunement)

This seven-sided gem gleams with an inner light, shifting from color to color.

While attuned to this item, you may use a bonus action to change the damage type of your next spell to one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Radiant, or Thunder.

This item may be used as a spellcasting focus.

Mages Manacles

Wonderous item, rare

These bulky brass manacles are held together by a sturdy brass bar inscribed with abjuration runes. Any spellcaster who is held by both manacles loses all spell slots and may not regain them until they take a long rest without being bound by the manacles.

Magma Mantle

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)This cracked black leather cloak is warm to the touch and faint ruddy light glows through the cracks. While wearing this cloak, you have resistance to cold damage. By touching the brass clasp and speaking the command word, you can transform the cloak into a flowing mantle of lava for 1 minute. During this time, you are unharmed by the intense heat, but any hostile creature within 5 feet of you that touches you or strikes you with a melee attack takes 3d6 fire damage. Additionally, for the duration, you suffer no damage from contact with lava, and you can burrow through lava at half your walking speed. 

Potion of Dreaming

Wonderous item, uncommon

The imbiber of this potion experienced a vision of something that they desired. After consuming the potion, the imbiber named something that they wished to learn more about. When they went to sleep, they had a dream that revealed one fact about the named object, including the object's location, dangers regarding the object, etc.

Each potion allowed for one dream. Upon waking, the imbiber vividly remembered the information garnered from the dream.

Paradise Cloak

Wonderous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This long cloak is made with the captivating feathers of a bird of paradise.

While attuned to this item, you may use a bonus action to gain the effects of the spell Sanctuary (DC 15). Once the cloak is used in this way, it cannot be used again until you have taken a long rest.

The Saber of Sultan Suliman I

Weapon (scimitar), very rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this saber, you Intelligence becomes 19, if your score is already 19 this has no effect. Additionally attacks made with this saber use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Strength modifier.

Also, while attuned to this saber, you are considered proficient in all Intelligence-based skill checks.

Saddle of the Sands

Wonderous item, uncommon

This well-made camel saddle is adorned in turquoise and silver and comes with a bridle and reigns.

When placed on sandy terrain, this saddle will cause a magical camel, made entirely of sand, to rise up and carry the owner. It obeys whoever holds its reins, but if the saddle is removed it immediately disintegrates back into the sand.

The camel has all of the stats of a typical camel except that its Intelligence is 16 and it has Resistance to slashing and piercing damage from non-magical weapons.

Seal of Solomon

Weapon (scimitar), legendary (requires attunement)

A simple scimitar with a complex circle etched into the blade.

The Seal of Solomon is a +3 scimitar. On a critical hit against a demon, devil, or genie, you can make an opposed Charisma check to seal the target in a pocket dimension. If a being already occupies the pocket dimension while this happens, it is unceremoniously ejected.

While attuned to this weapon, you may speak to its inhabitant. Any deal struck between the wielder and the genie is enforced by magic, breaking the deal makes the infringing party take 20d10 psychic damage.

There is a 25% chance that the sword is occupied when found.

Talismanic Tunic of Ninety-Nine Names

Wonderous item, very rare (requires attunement)

A silk tunic with the Ninety-Nine Names of Creation written on it.

While attuned to this cloth shirt your AC is 13 + your Dexterity Modifier. As an action you may gain resistance to one of the following types of damage for 1 min: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Cold, Fire, Force, or Lightning.

Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you take a short or long rest.

Turban of Unwinding

Wonderous item, uncommon

If unwound clockwise then it unwinds normally, but if unwound counter-clockwise then it just keeps unwinding, unfolding into up to 500' of cloth strong enough to act as a climbing rope. Cut sections turn to dust.

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