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Lukaas Hendrix

In the world of Zakhara

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Mundane Equipment

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Armor is an interesting puzzle in Zakhara. If you wear armor that is too heavy, the heat and sand will surely kill you. If you wear armor that is too light, the beast and raiders of the deserts will slay you as quickly as the unforgiving sun.

Wise adventurers balance these two conflicting situations by avoiding armors that are too restrictive ( or metallic) in favor of armors that are more forgiving in the desert heat, even if they do sacrifice some protection. Thusly, they stick with armors in the Medium Armor category. Those who do not simply rely on an excess of water to keep them hydrated, or elsewise utilize magics to protect them or keep them cool.

All armors available elsewhere in Aber-Toril are available in Zakhara; although Heavy Armor and armor that imposes disadvantage on stealth are sold merely as curiosities and are thus sold with a Normal value at 75% of the price provided in the Players Handbook. If a character is seen in such armor, they become the subject of conversation, speculation, and most intriguing rumor.

Daraq: This small buckler fits in the hand in such a way that its wielder can hold both it and a simple light weapon in the same hand.

Armor Table

Armor Cost Armor Class Stealth Weight
Medium Armor        
Lamellar 900 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) - 20 lbs.
Daraq 1 gp +1 - 2 lbs


Zakhara features many weapons common in other places in Aber-Toril; however, weapons with the Heavy property are uncommon, although not entirely unheard of. Many additions here are weapons of ambush and assassination, both favored tactics of the otherwise honorable combatants of Zakhara. These weapons are often used in conjunction with the poisons found later in the chapter to better maximize their chance at eliminating the intended target.

Weapon Properties

Many weapons have special properties related to their use, as shown in the Weapons table.


These weapons may be used as normal underwater, without disadvantage.

In addition, Darts, Nets, and Tridents all gain the Aquatic property.


A weapon with the hidden property is designed to be easily concealed by the holder. Weapons with this property do an additional 1d4 damage of its type on the first round of combat. You also have advantage on checks with Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to hide the weapon.



This is a length of cord with weighted ends, used to trip foes from a distance. A Large or smaller bipedal or quadruped creature hit with bolas must make a DC 13 Strength check or be knocked prone.


To use a garotte, you must initiate a grapple with the target creature. You are at disadvantage when attacking with a garotte.

While you successfully control the grapple, the creature begins to suffocate, in addition to the slashing damage.

Man Catcher. 

You are at disadvantage when you use a man catcher to attack an opponent within 5 feet of you. If you hit a medium humanoid or beast with a man catcher you may make a grapple check against it. You may make an opposed Strength check to move a Grappled creature with the man catcher. When you move a creature grabbed with the man catcher, you can choose to move it adjacent to you or keep it at reach. While grappling a creature in this way, you cannot make attacks with the man catcher and must continue to hold it with both hands.


A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a Strength check against the attack roll that initially trapped it, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net.

Net, Barbed. 

As the Net above, except when the restrained creature takes an action, either to free itself or something else, it takes 1d6 piercing damage from the embedded barbs of the net.

Net, Reinforced. 

As the Net above, except the Strength check DC is raised by 5 and the net's HP is increased to 20. Its AC remains 10.


After making a successful attack with this weapon, you may make a grapple check against the target of the attack. 

Weapon Table

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons        
Ankus 5 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 4 lb.  
Garotte 2 sp 1d4 slashing - Finesse, hidden, light, special, two-handed
Jambiya 3 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Finesse, light
Katar 8 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Light
Needle 2 sp 1 p - Finesse, hidden, ranged 20/60
Sap 1 gp 1d3 bludgeoning 1 lb. Light, hidden
Scythe 2 gp 2d4 slashing 4 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Stiletto Knife 4 sp 1d3 piercing .5 lb. Finesse, hidden, light, thrown (20/60)
Martial Melee Weapons        
Cutlass 25 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lbs. Aquatic, finesse
Man Catcher 25 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb. Two-handed, reach, special
Net 1 gp - 2 lbs. Special, Thrown 10/30
Net, Barbed 15 gp 1d6 6 lbs. Special, Thrown 5/15
Net, Reinforced 20 gp - 10 lbs. Special, Thrown 5/15
Scourge 5 gp 1d8 slashing 1 lb. Special
Martial Ranged Weapons        
Bolas 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Special, thrown (range 20/60).
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