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Lukaas Hendrix

In the world of Zakhara

Visit Zakhara

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Character Options

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Character Backgrounds 

Askar (Urban Bravo)

The askar are people willing to be called upon by the local community to work as a guard or serve as a soldier in the military in case of an attack.

Skill Proficiencies: History, Perception 

Language: One language of choice 

Equipment: Characteristic Local Weapon, token of appreciation from community, a scroll case packed with poems and fables, common clothes, and a regional map

All Askars learn their trade and are trained in combat in the house of a local pillar of the community, pick one from the following list:

d8 Patron
1 Ancient House
2 Martial Academy
3 Pleasure Garden
4 Security Business
5 Politician
6 Criminals
7 Wandering Master
8 Local Guards

Feature: Answer the Call

While in the city where you have been trained you can spend an action to gain the aid of 1d4 Askari (guard). Once you use this feature, you may not use it again for ten days.

Suggested Characteristics

Askari are driven to protect their home, they do not take to adventuring lightly and thus it is often done with their homeland in mind. Whether they leave to complete a specific task which will keep their friends and family safe or adventuring to gain strength, an Askars home is always on their mind.

d8 Personality Traits
1 I am always on the watch and never let my guard down.
2 My friends know they can rely on me no matter what.
3 Breaking up a brawl is the fun part of my day.
4 I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.
5 I enjoy being strong and able to protect others.
6 My language is as foul as a bug-bear.
7 I like the night patrols best, very peaceful or very not.
8 I like gate duty best.


d6 Bond
1 It is my duty to protect the city and its citizens.
2 My fellow Guards are my brothers/sisters in arms.
3 Someone saved my life on patrol, and I still owe them to this day.
4 My honor is my life.
5 I will never forget or forgive the crime lord who killed my fellows.
6 I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.


d6 Ideal
1 Our lot is to lay down our lives for others. (Good)
2 I must do as the city rulers command to keep order. (Lawful)
3 I must do what is right for the city despite orders. (Chaotic)
4 People will always do as I say with force. (Evil)
5 There will always be crime, as sure as there will be guards. (Neutral)
6 I love my city, and I will do anything to protect it. (Any)


d6 Flaw
1 I made a mistake once, and it cost a lot of lives.
2 My hatred for raiders is blinding and furious.
3 I obey the law even when it serves no good.
4 I can be bribed easily; a few gold here, please...
5 I care only for my own authority.
6 I will never let injustice pass me by.

Caravan Driver

Windswept deserts and foreboding mountains separate merchants from the goods they will trade in the gilded cities of Zakhara. You, a master of the caravans and trade routes, are responsible for planning expeditions, caring for the pack animals, and avoiding the perils of the desert.

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Survival 

Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land) 

Languages: One of your choice 

Equipment: Camel grooming kit, leather bag full of dates, switch, waterskin, map of a trade route, aba (robe) and turban, belt pouch with 10 gp

Feature: Trade Routes You know the best times to travel specific routes, as well as their quirks and hazards and can navigate the wilderness with ease. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel overland through the wilderness twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.

d8 Personality Trait
1 If my travels take me near a holy site, like the Desert Mosque, I’m compelled to visit.
2 I prefer to let others speak first.
3 My humor is as coarse as yak hair.
4 Everyone I meet is subtly being interviewed for how they could serve my next venture.
5 Nothing excites me like venturing to a new land.
6 I’m full of witty aphorisms, with a proverb for every occasion.
7 Too much comfort makes me uneasy; I’d rather sleep with the camels than in a silk bed.
8 I always remain cheerfully optimistic.


d6 Bond
1 I would go to the ends of the earth to find someone dear to me lost in a sandstorm.
2 I value my animals more than my own life.
3 There is some wondrous place that others believe is mythical, but I want to prove is real.
4 I’m determined to find who tricked me into smuggling something dangerous.
5 I care deeply for a particular tribe or town, bringing them water and supplies.
6 There is a caravanserai I have adopted, and one day I’d like to retire to run it.


d6 Ideal
1 Preparation is two-thirds of survival. (Any)
2 Exploring new places helps us to see ourselves and our path with new eyes. (Neutral)
3 Aid a traveler on the road, for tomorrow you may be in need. (Good)
4 Sacrifices may be required, but I will always reach my destination. (Evil)
5 Beyond the city walls, we each are responsible for our own fate. (Chaotic)
6 A deal made must be honored. (Lawful)


d6 Flaw
1 I can easily be bought, if the price is right.
2 I sometimes sell shoddy merchandise to make a quick buck.
3 I'm not as far traveled as I like to tell people.
4 I'm banned in certain cities due to owed fees.
5 Some tribes will not trade with me due to some discourtesy I have shown them in the past.
6 I feel compelled to be overtly honest about the things I sell which can lead to potential losses.

Cursed Visionary

Some who are granted powers feel they are cursed, rather than blessed. You may be compelled to figure out the nature of your strange powers, or frightened of what you can do with them.

Skill Proficiencies: History, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: One language of your choice, one artisan’s tools of your choice.

Equipment: One set of common clothes, a diary or collection of notes about your visions or their
source, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp.

Feature: Nightmares and Visions Each time you take a long rest, roll a d6. On a 1, you have nightmarish visions, and start the day with one fewer hit die than you would normally. On a 5 or 6,
your nightmarish vision holds a hint for you. The DM will answer one question as though you cast the
divination spell or give you inspiration.

Suggested Characteristics
The dreams and nightmares inflicted upon a visionary leave their mark on the visionary’s personality. This can lead to problems with confidence, seeing things that aren’t there, or an all-consuming goal to understand the visions.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always expecting some unknown terror to emerge from the darkness.
2 I am the monster that monsters should fear.
3 Though my cries wake my companions in the night, I never speak of my nightmares.
4 I curse the gods who let this happen to me.
5 Anything that happens around me might be an omen, if only I have the courage to interpret it.
6 I do not submit to my curse, and refuse to let others give up on their problems.
7 I am obsessed with the origin and nature of my curse.
8 I am overconfident in my abilities, and lie to cover up my failures.


d6 Ideal
1 Superstition. The gods curse those who misbehave (Good)
2 Fairness. In an unfair world, we must be the source of justice. (Good)
3 Destiny. For better or worse, I have been chosen for this path. (Any)
4 Independence. We are not meant to interfere in the affairs of others. (Neutral)
5 Hierarchy. There are reasons for all things and a place for everyone. (Lawful)
6 Freedom. No bonds can hold me, nor should they hold anyone. (Chaotic)


d6 Bond
1 I fear doing any evil lest the dark powers take more notice of me.
2 I know why I have been afflicted, and aim to get my revenge.
3 I left all those I love behind so I wouldn’t be a burden to them.
4 I saw someone’s darkest secret, but can never betray them by revealing it.
5 I am the last of my family and must honor their legacy despite my curse.
6 My visions give me insight into a task only I can accomplish.


d6 Flaw
1 I am full of dark and violent impulses I must constantly restrain.
2 My visions give me an unwarranted confidence.
3 I can’t pass up the opportunity to learn a secret.
4 Understanding my visions is more important than love or friendship.
5 I blurt out secrets when I shouldn’t.
6 I hoard secrets like treasure, never divulging them.


While some spellcasters hide their wondrous powers, the devoted seek to show that mages can be a force for good in the world. You use your magic to help those in need, and perhaps even to prove that not all wizards are members of the Brotherhood of True Flame.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: Two tools or vehicles of your choice.

Equipment: A set of common clothes and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.

Feature: Community Gratitude After performing a great deed for a community or individual, you can always go back and stay. The community will support you with a modest lifestyle or an individual will hide you from authorities and enemies. 

Suggested Characteristics
The devoted focus on their ability to help others, but for many different reasons. Their drive to help others is not the only aspect of their personality.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I can’t stop talking about my own accomplishments.
2 I cannot tolerate bullies.
3 When the world isn’t fair, it is up to us to make it so.
4 Magic is a useful tool, and I intend to prove it to everyone I meet.
5 Actions speak louder than words ever could.
6 If I don’t use my powers for good, I’m afraid everyone will know that I am a horrible wretch.
7 I cannot relax until the job is done.
8 My reputation is everything; my word cannot be


d6 Ideal
1 Faith. The gods demand that we use our gifts to
help one another. (Lawful)
2 Humility. Helping others is my main calling in life.
3 Pragmatism. I only help others because it makes
me look like a good person. (Neutral)
4 Justice. Magic’s purpose is to make the world
better, those who misuse it should be punished.
5 Freedom. I choose to help others, and hope they
will choose the same. (Chaotic)
6 Pride. I love it when everyone knows my name.


d6 Bond
1 I value my friends and family above all else.
2 I cannot stand to see books or other sources of
information destroyed. 
3 I get very attached to people that I’ve helped.
4 I owe my life to the people who first helped me.
5 My reputation is everything to me. 
6 I must prove that my own prowess.


d6 Flaw
1 I only help others because it makes me look like a
good person.
2 I can never go home again, though I wish I could.
3 I am driven to oppose my enemies, and take too many risks to do so.
4 I cannot stand to see people suffer, and avoid those I cannot or should not help. 
5 I’m jealous of those who have similar abilities and
6 Those who hate me will stop at nothing to see me



You have been marked by your experiences with the djinni. Perhaps you have a peri relative, or were abducted by the djinni as a youth. Whichever, you have not been left unchanged by the experience.

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Persuasion

Languages: Two, one of which must be a dialect of Primordial.

Equipment: A scroll case with scrolls of genie teachings and wisdom, small token of your time in the Inner Planes (like a crystalline sphere holding elemental wind or flame), fine clothes, belt pouch with 10 gp

d6: Why did the genie take an interest in you?
1 You have a marid relative somewhere in the family tree.
2 You accidentally wandered onto a path to the Inner Planes.
3 A passing djinn took a fancy to you.
4 A wish gone wrong.
5 Mistaken identity - the genie thought you were someone else. Oops!
6 You haven't the faintest idea!

Feature: Of Two Worlds

You have been marked by the eldritch forces of the genie. This is obvious to any genie, and to anyone who uses Detect Magic on you. Those who see your mark will be taken aback at a minimum, and genie will likely tread cautiously around you, lest they accidentally break one of the laws of their kind.

Suggested Characteristics

Those who have been genie-touched tend to be eccentric. They arent necessarily mad, although nothing is stopping that from being the case, but they tend to have offputting demeanors, as if they know the true color of the world.

d8 Personality Traits
1 Sometimes I space out and get lost in thought, remembering my adventures
2 I've seen it all, I'm very difficult to impress.
3 I've learned to be elaborately polite and formal to survive.
4 The stories I could tell... but probably won't.
5 Having lived among immortals, I take my time - why rush?
6 I'm almost pathetically grateful for the ordinary human things.
7 Mortal majesty and authority just don't matter to me any more.
8 I have a very strange sense of humor.


d6 Ideal
1 I've been given a rare gift, and I must use it for the betterment of all. (Good)
2 The ephemeral mortal world's only virtue is change. (Chaotic)
3 Hidden laws govern everything, we must tread lightly. (Lawful)
4 I have been set apart because I am better than everyone else. (Evil)
5 The only thing I'm able to count on is those who have shown me kindness. (Neutral)
6 I want above all else to get back to the Inner Planes. (Any)


d6 Bond
1 I made it back to the mortal world only by paying a terrible price.
2 A djinn granted me a boon, and I owe him a debt.
3 I interceded for someone to a dao, and now I feel responsible for them.
4 I made a wish that may come back to haunt me.
5 I need people to understand what I've experienced.
6 A efreet is my implacable enemy, and the feeling is mutual.


d6 Flaw
1 I can't seem to enjoy life in the colorless mortal world.
2 I live life large... too large, sometimes.
3 My disregard for social norms raises eyebrows.
4 Magical creatures are drawn to me and I to them, for ill as well as for good.
5 My admiration for beauty, style, and grace knows no bounds... including my enemies.
6 I won't shut up about how much better things are in the Inner Planes.

Matrud (Outcast, Desert Bandit)

The civilized world always has its outcasts, whether these matrud are rightfully rejected or wrongfully sentenced to the outskirts. A matrud is a desert bandit, a horse or camel thief, or just an outcast from society. Many matruds join together as bands of thieves and ne’er-do-wells, though others live a solitary life on the edges of civilized lands or nomadic tribes.

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Survival

Tool Proficiencies: Two of the Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, Thieves’ Tools or Vehicles (any)

Equipment: A set of dark common clothes, a trusty dagger, a spare bridle for a horse or camel,  and a pouch containing 10 gp.

Feature: Hiding Places As an outcast, you know how to hide in the outskirts of society or in the wilderness. Once you have been in a place for one day, you have spotted one or more place where no one will find you and a group of up to 5 companions.

Suggested Characteristics
Matruds are shaped by the circumstances in which they were cast out by society. They may believe themselves to be too strong to be allowed to live a soft and civilized life, or yearn for revenge and to reclaim their birthrights. Many are bitter at their lot, and their flaws are numerous and varied. 

d8 Personality Trait
1 I never lose my temper.
2 I bully anyone who doesnt stand up for themselves.
3 I always keep an eye out for exits and entrances so that I am never trapped anywhere.
4 An insult to me is as bad as a punch to the face.
5 I insult others by accident because I am unaware of social norms.
6 I am glad I dont belong to any society because none are worth a copper piece.
7 Though I'm gruff, I've a heart of gold.
8  I always lament the loss of my previous life.


d6 Ideal
1 Might. The strong survive where the weak perish. (Chaotic)
2 Greed. I take what is rightfully mine. (Evil)
3 Freedom. I will not willingly submit to any chains or authority. (Chaotic)
4 People. Society is worthless, individuals may have my respect. (Neutral
5 Revenge. I will return to my rightful place and those who cast me out will pay dearly. (Lawful)
6 Justice. Though the world is unfair, we must make it better. (Good) 


d6 Bond
1 There is only one person in the world that I’d go back into society for.
2 My comrades in exile are the most important things to me
3 My isolation has given me a purpose that cannot be seen by society.
4 I love someone I left behind, and that love is tearing me apart.
5 I was the last member of my family and will prove that my name means something.
6 I feel a kinship with any who are scorned or outcast.


d6 Flaw
1 I cannot deceive or steal from those who do not deserve it
2 The world is out to get me.
3 I am constantly trying to prove that I could be a useful member of society.
4 Violence is the easiest solution to any problem.
5 I am slow to trust anyone who is integrated into civilized or nomadic society.
6 When I return to society I am overwhelmed by its temptations.


While most revel in their powers and skills, the unseen hide them so they cannot be found. Some unseen are transient, moving from tribe to tribe or city to city. Others set down roots with a new identity
whenever their enemies or their past catches up with them.

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, forgery kit

Equipment: Two sets of common clothes and a belt pouch containing 5 gp.

Feature: False Identity You have created a false identity, including documentation and acquaintances. With one month’s work, you can create a new identity. Additionally, you can forge any sort of document as long as you’ve seen the kind of document or handwriting you’re trying to copy.

Suggested Characteristics
The unseen are driven by their need to go unnoticed and fear that exposure will lead to harm.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I often discuss the finer points of life from the perspective of my disguise.
2 Politeness is the best way to blend in
3 I am driven by wanderlust and cannot stay in one place too long.
4 I don’t believe the wealthy or elite know what is best for the world.
5 Anything worth doing is worth my total attention and effort.
6 When I’m not in a safe place, I lost track of who I say I am.
7 Animals hold less deceit than most people; I prefer their company.
8 I have a habit of quoting scriptures that I don’t believe in.


d6 Ideal
1 Friendship. Once you can trust someone, you trust them with your life. (Good)
2 Freedom. Blind obedience is tantamount to death. (Chaotic)
3 Redemption. The errors of the past can be erased with diligence and hard word. (Lawful)
4 Self Improvement. Understanding how others live leads to a better understanding of one’s own life. (Neutral)
5 Mastery. When I cannot be found, my enemies will not see me coming. (Evil)
6 Aspiration. I work hard so that I can be the best I can be. (Any)


d6 Bond
1 I hide because it keeps my true love safe.
2 Someone is actively hunting me, and eventually, I’ll have to defeat them
3 My family will one day discover my secrets, and I will be cast out because of it.
4 In one of my guises, I saved a noble, but I cannot go back to claim my reward.
5 The temple is my only home and I must ensure my god’s followers are safe.
6 I owe my life to another and will do anything to repay that debt.


d6 Flaw
1 I see the enemy in every unfamiliar face.
2 I can’t help lying about mundane things.
3 I cannot trust anyone until they give me a very good reason.
4 I know what my duty is, but cannot help but run from it.
5 I deserted my friends when they needed me the most.
6 I will go to any lengths to keep my true identity a secret.


A vizier is any advisor, though often viziers advise emirs, princes, khedives, and other nobles of the civilized and nomadic worlds. Though many viziers are of noble birth themselves, some come from humbler origins when their knowledge or powers prove their worth.

Skill Proficiencies: History, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: Two languages of your choice

Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a letter of introduction or dismissal from your last patron, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.

Feature: Respected at Court You are known in the high places of the land, and can always secure an audience with bureaucrats, nobility, and other leaders. Additionally, you can ask for hospitality, and any leader will feel obliged to give you (not necessarily your companions) lodging equivalent to a comfortable or better lifestyle for three days.

Suggested Characteristics
A vizier’s wisdom or powers drives their previous relationships. No vizier who gives bad advice lasts long, and many have grown accustomed to the halls of power.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I can’t stand to get my hands dirty
2 I use flattery at every possible opportunity.
3 My advice comes as riddles, so I can claim it was misinterpreted it it turns out to be bad.
4 I prefer to play the devil’s advocate.
5 I try to determine a lesson to be learned from every situation.
6 I can’t stand to leave a mystery unsolved.
7 I get impatient when others don’t understand my advice.
8 I can’t stop asking questions.


d6 Ideal
1 Respect. All people, great and small, should get the respect they deserve. (Good)
2 Power. Power is power, no matter how it is obtained. (Evil)
3 Knowledge. The path to self-improvement is paved with knowledge. (Neutral)
4 Reason. Emotions cloud our judgment. (Lawful)
5 Independence. We all must make our own decisions in life. (Chaotic)
6 Truth. Deception destroys us all. (Any)


d6 Bond
1 I was cast out of my position but will do whatever I can to keep my people safe
2 I love my advisee, even if they reject me.
3 My loyalty is unwavering.
4 I once gave advice that lead to the deaths of many people. I can never let that happen again.
5 I am addicted to the halls of power.
6 The common people may not know it, but everything I do is for them.


d6 Flaw
1 I must know all the facts before I can make any 
2 A complex plan or solution shows off my sagacity better than a simple one.
3 I become verbally abusive to those who do not heed my advice.
4 My plans and advice, properly followed, would never lead to ill results..
5 I am my own worst critic.
6 Once I have a problem to solve, I am oblivious to everything else. 

Variant Backgrounds

Acolyte Variant

Zakharans accept people whose religions are different. In fact, there are a great variety of faiths throughout the Land of Fate. Yet Zakharans find it exceedingly difficult to accept anyone who does not believe in and pay homage to some higher power. To believe in other gods may seem strange, but it is not a sin. The sin is believing in nothing.

Major gods, recognized throughout Zakhara, include Old Kor, Learned Zann, Brave Hajama, Najm the Adventurous, Selan the Beautiful Moon, Jisan of the Floods, and Haku of the Desert Winds, and Hakiyah of the Sea Breezes. None of these gods has a precise portfolio. Instead, each shows strength in a particular ideal or element, wisdom, knowledge, bravery, courage, beauty, bounty, freedom, and honesty.

Zakharan deities also include a plethora of lesser gods, local gods and demigods. Such minor deities may be venerated in one small area, while they are unknown just ten miles away. All gods, major and minor, answer their worshippers' needs with equal ability.

The dedication of the various liturgists depends on their interpretation of their gods instructions and how strictly they apply those instructions to their own lives. As such Acolytes can be subdivided into one of three categories:

Pragmatists: A pragmatist's belief system was based upon taking the ethos of the gods and fitting it to face the problems of the contemporary world. Pragmatists often wandered far from their temples in order to help spread their teachings.

Ethoists: Ethoists take a balanced approach to their worship of their god. They tolerate both pragmatists and ethoists of other religions, considering them to simply misguided. They do not get along with moralists of any god but their own.

Moralists: All rules governing a moralist's life were derived from their god. They tolerated ethoists and pragmatists of their own religion, but still believed they were not living their lives properly. They disliked other priests and despised arcane magic-users.

You can roll on the tables below to determine how you ended up at a mosque, and which Enlightened god's mosque it was.

d6 Origin
1 You were accused of a crime and sought refuge at a mosque.
2 You were left at the stairs of the mosque as a child, abandoned by your parents.
3 Your mother or father was an imam or an ethoist or moralist cleric and they raise you in the mosque.
4 You stumbled out of the desert as a child and collapsed at the door of the mosque.
5 You were sent to be educated at the mosque.
6 You had a love of the call to prayer as a child and it brought you to the mosque first thing after school every day.
d10 Temple of...
1 Hajama the Courageous (Tempest, War) "Bravery wins out over opposition." The intuitive faith of the god Hajama is popular in rural areas, especially those in potentially hostile regions. A few mosques are also in the Cities of the Heart.
2 Hakiyah of the Sea Breezes (Knowledge, Truth) "Truth will always win out." The methodical meditative faith of this goddess is popular among merchants, qadis, and sages in the Pearl Cities. Her worship is not permitted in the Pantheist League.
3 Haku Master of the Desert Wind (Nature, Freedom) "A man and woman must be free to be considered alive." The faith of the god Haku is popular among the al-Badia and mystics. His worship is not permitted in the Pantheist League.
4 Jauhar the Gemmed (Death, Wealth) "Wealth changes everything." The industrious faith of the goddess Jauhar is prevalent among merchants and craftspeople. In the Pantheist League she takes the place of Jisan, and the two clergys have a long-standing feud.
5 Jisan of the Floods (Life, Trickery, Wealth) "Hard work brings abundance." The faith of the goddess of fertility and prosperity is broadly popular among merchants, poets, farmers, and midwives. Because of her minor association with schemers, she is treated as an insignificant goddess in the Pantheist League where her role is replaced by Jauhar.
6 Kor the Venerable (Knowledge, Truth) "With age comes wisdom, with wisdom comes strength." The faith of the god Kor is popular among politicians, qadis, and those who uphold traditions.
7 Najm the Adventurous (Trickery, War) "Explore the unknown." The dynamic faith of the god/goddess Najm is popular among missionaries and fortune-seeking explorers.
8 Selan the Beautiful Moon (Light, Beauty) "There is beauty in everything." The joyful faith of the goddess Selan is popular among artisans, poets, gardners, and druids.
9 Zann the Learned (Knowledge) "Understanding is the key to all doors." The studious faith of the god Zann is popular among sages, scribes, librarians, seekers of ancient lost lore, and those seeking to leave a legacy to future generations.
10 Temple of Ten Thousand Gods (Any) "All deities are facets of the same divine force." The quick-witted, cunning, and pragmatic faith of the Temple of Ten Thousands Gods embraces all gods, even those outside of the Enlightened Faith. The Temple is outlawed in the Pantheist League.

Charlatan Variant: Noble Pauper

A consistent theme in Arabian Adventures is that of a noble who travels among his or her people disguised as a beggar or other poor person. Such characters may be exiles of their own kingdom, ousted from power, and forced to hide among the common folk. They may be benevolent if naive rulers who genuinely wish to understand the state of the kingdom thru the eyes of the people. They may have assumed the guise of a beggar for a specific reason, to investigate a mystery or save someone they couldn't from the throne. Noble Paupers may draw on the Noble and Urchin backgrounds to swap out proficiencies and features to suit the type of character you have in mind.

Criminal Variant

You can roll on this table of Bonds that better fit the criminals found in Arabian Adventures.

(d6) New Bonds
1 I am fascinated with a certain treasure that has eluded me at every turn, yet seems to leave only misery in its wake.
2 A wicked relative used me for my criminal skills to steal a treasure, then abandoned me to die.
3 My flamboyant antics are meant to attract the person I love but society won't let me be with.
4 I have been cursed by a genie I stole from, and removing the curse is my primary concern.
5 A fellow criminal who is like family to you is in deep trouble, and you aim to get them out of it.
6 You met another person who bears a stunning resemblance to you - perhaps a golden opportunity for you.

Entertainer Variant: Storyteller

Storytellers play a significant role in Zakhara as lore-keepers and entertainers both among the desert tribes and city dwellers. They master ancient techniques of memorization and practice a respected oral tradition. They replace proficiency in Acrobatics with History and the disguise kit with a bonus language.

Guild Artisan Variant: Guild Merchant

Merchants in Zakhara trade in ambergris, silks, spices, camels, and more, learning what different regions need and how to fill that need. You may select the following background feature instead of "Guild Membership."

Feature - Business Venture: You have business contacts in major cities, ports, and desert tribes which can give you updates on trade route conditions, unusual items passing through the bazaar, advice about which merchants to avoid or do business with, and fluctuations in the price or availability of trade goods. So long as you actively broker merchant deals, you can maintain a Wealthy lifestyle.

Hermit Variant

You can roll on the following table to determine the nature of your Discovery.

(d6) Discoveries of Zakhara
1 You discovered a way to travel to one of the Inner Planes like an elemental vortex, a portal, or travel route used by the jann.
2 You discovered a forgotten scroll of the Loregiver which reveals new teachings of the Enlightened Faith.
3 You discovered a haram - a holy site - like the fabled City of Peace.
4 You discovered ruins of an ancient culture with glyphs warning of the rise of a forgotten power like the Geomancers.
5 You discovered a secret cache of sha'ir writings about the Seal of Jafar al-Samal.
6 You discoverd a secret of the Grand Caliph's court, such as a curse, a concealed enemy, or a conspiracy.

Noble Variant

Nobility in Zakhara is presented as the primary landholders on the continent. With the majority of land unusable for any sort of agriculture or industry, merely owning a well could make one an important person in an area parched for water.

You may roll on the table below for various Arabian nobility titles.

(d6) Arabian Nobility
1 Amir / Amira (prince/princess)
2 Vizier (advisor to a ruler)
3 Sayyid / Sayyida (liege lord/sheriff)
4 Sheikh / Sheikha (tribal leader)
5 Imam (religious leader)
6 Qadi (judge)

Outlander Variant: Al-Badia

The al-Badia are the desert nomads of Zakhara, coming from a diversity of tribes. Modify the Outlander background according to the tribe you belong to.

(d8) Tribes of the High Desert
1 House Asad (Children of the Lion): The largest and wealthiest tribe, they are gifted riders and traders. Replace Athletics with Animal Handling or Persuasion, and begin with a camel.
2 House Bakr (Clan of the Young Camel): A tribe divided between those who followed the sheikh into the city Tajar and those who remained with his son in the desert. Tajar-dwellers take a different background, no longer truly al-Badia. Those remaining in the desert replace Atheltics with Animal Handling, and begin with a camel.
3 House Dhi'b (Sons of the Wolf): A tribe of craftspeople and herders known for raiding the caravan routes. Most tribespeople replace Athletics with Animal Handling and instrument proficiency with artisan's tools. Raiders of the tribe replace Athletics with Intimidation and instrument proficiency with another language. Begin with a riding horse.
4 House Dubb (Children of the Bear): A tribe of herders and gum tree harvesters, they do modest business with other tribes and cities. Replace Athletics with Animal Handling, and begin with a camel.
5 House Nasr (People of the Eagle): A tribe of warriors and protectors of the desert wastes, they watch over the Desert Mosque. Tribespeople replace Athletics with Animal Handling, and being with a riding horse.
6 House Tayif (Ghost Warriors): An unenlightened tribe rebelling against the Mamluks, they are comprised of outcasts, matruds, and other dispossessed people raising cities dressed in white clothes. Replace Athletics with Intimidation.
7 House Thawr (Children of the Bull): A tribe of traders, treasure hunters, and raiders of the Pearl Cities, they suffer loss of members to opportunities in the cities and are pushed deeper into the desert by armies of the Pearl Cities. Use the Outlander background as is, and begin with a riding horse.
8 House Uqab (League of the Vulture): A barely enlightened tribe of scavengers and horse thieves. Replace Athletics with Animal Handling and begin with a riding horse.

Sage Variant

You can roll on a table of lore specialties suited to Zakhara, making the listed adjustments to the Sage background.

(d6) Specialty
1 Alchemist: Skills: Arcana, Nature. Tools: alchemist's supplies, herbalism kit.
2 Astronomer: Skills: Arcana, Nature. Tools: navigator's tools. Language: one bonus language.
3 Cartographer: Skills: History, Nature. Tools: cartographer's tools. Language: one bonus language.
4 Historian, Librarian, or Mathematician: Use the Sage unmodified, or swap out Arcana for Investigation.
5 Physician: Skills: Nature, Medicine. Tools: herbalism kit, poisoner's kit.
6 Scribe: Skills: History, Inestigation. Tools: calligrapher's tools. Language: one bonus language.


The following new feats offer options for any character to touch the latent power of Zakhara. At the GM’s discretion.


You may treat all simple weapons with the light property as if they had the hidden property.

Hidden Weapons

There is a saying in Zakhara, "Every shadow hides a blade." It comes as no suprise then, that assassins are a particular concern in Zakhara and for those who walk those dark paths favor hidden weapons.

Hidden: A weapon with the hidden property is designed to be easily concealed by the holder. Weapons with this property do an additional 1d4 damage of its type on the first round of combat. You also have advantage on checks with Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to hide the weapon.

Artificers Prodigy

Prerequisite: Level 10 or higher

Your exposure to the great workings of the artificers of old has expanded your understanding of magical items. You may attune to one additional item.

You may not take this feat more than once.

Counter Magic Specialist

Prerequisite: Intelligence 15 or higher

As a reaction, you may make an Arcana (Intelligence) check to identify a spell as it is being by a source that you can see at DC = 10 + the spells level. If you succeed, you know the name of the spell and may select one of the following actions:

Impose disadvantage on spell attacks against allies within earshot

Grant advantage to saving throws to all allies within earshot

These benefits only affect the identified spell.

Desert Dweller

Prerequisite: Constitution 15 or higher

You are a creature of the desert and are comfortable there, no matter the region. As a result, you gain the following benefits.

  • Your movement speed increases by 5 ft while on sand, gravel or stone.
  • You ignore the effects of extreme heat and extreme cold.
  • You are aware the direction and distance to the nearest source of water.

Divine Guidance

Prerequisite: Aasimar

The blessings of your forbears grant you divine grace. Choose two skills you are proficient in, you may roll a 1d4 in addition to the d20 roll for checks that use those skills.

Empowered Spell Caster

Prerequisite: The ability to cast 3rd level spells or higher.

Before you cast a spell attack that targets one or more creatures you may choose to apply one of the following effects.

  • You take a -5 penalty to your spell attack. If the spell hits, you can add 1d6 force damage to the spell.
  • You add a +5 bonus to your spell attack. If the spell hits, you subtract 1d6 from the spells damage, minimum damage of 1.

Improved Critical

Prerequisite: Level 10 or higher

You are a deft hand at identifying the weaknesses of foes. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

This effect does not stack with other sources that improve your critical range.

Light Armor Mastery

While wearing light armor, add half your proficiency modifier to your AC.

Moment of Thought

Prerequisite: Intelligence 13 or higher

As a bonus action, you can consider a situation and then add your Intelligence modifier to the next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you make before the start of your next turn.

Sand Dancer

Prerequisite: Dexterity of 15 or higher

As a bonus action, if you move 10 feet or more in a line over sandy or dusty terrain, you may create a cloud of dust 5 feet wide that follows your path of travel. This cloud obscures creatures on either side of it from each other, granting the effects of half-cover. This cloud lasts for one minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.


Prerequisite: Powerful Build Racial Feature

As a member of the stronger races, you have access to and proficiency weapons with the Oversized property. This does not grant you proficiency with weapons you would not normally be proficient with. 

Oversized Weapons

Some races in Zakhara are renowned for wielding weapons of absurd proportions. These weapons have the oversized property as described below. Any weapon without the light property may possess the oversized property.

Oversized: Oversized weapons add an additional die to their damage. Additionally the cost and weight of this weapon are doubled.

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