Week 10

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Dear Diary,

You are not going to believe the last three weeks I've had. I mean, things weren't great last time I wrote in here. But now? Oh holy shit.

Alright, so the last class of fourth years graduated. Great, right? Yeah it is great. They're gone. But, now I have to deal with  new first years! I have to decide who is going to make that class with some special test.

I've decided that the test I'll do is I'll just sit there and I'll let them shoot me with magic. See if any of the little rat bastards can take me out.

But before then, I had to officiate the Fourth Years Tournament. Easy enough, right? Wrong. They all decided to fight lethally. So there are three members of the graduating class left. Gods I wish that was me.

Y'know, I never graduated from the Magic College. I actually never went to school. I try and live a quiet life, so this is... not my style. All the ceremony, all the lessons. One of the teachers came into my office the other day and gave me a lesson because I didn't know what Impossible Magic was. If I had the willpower to fire an employee without feeling bad about it... I might fire them. I mean, they're doing a good job, so maybe not.

Oh, I had some celery today! Maybe it's not all that bad!

Your Soon-to

Wait. Hold on. The wall of my office just exploded. I'm not going to check out what that was, but that brings this week's points down considerably.

Your Soon-to-be-Dead Grand Wizard,

Felonius Questus

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